Name: Staryu
Type: Water
Species: Star Shape Pokémon
Height: 0.6 m (2'07")
Weight: 34.5 kg (76.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: If a Staryu loses any of its appendages it can grow them back with ease provided the core is still fully intact. It can adapt its skin in multiple ways including changing its colour, hardening the surface of its body, even reducing its overall mass. Staryu's eating habits are unknown but it's very probable it filter feeds considering the Pokémon's lack of a mouth. Staryu is also one of three Pokémon that lack eyes: the other two are Starmie and Zubat. It evolves into Starmie when exposed to a Water Stone.
Height: 16.0 cm/6.3 in
Width: 17.4 cm/ 6.9 in
Depth: 12.0 cm/4.7 in
No. of Pages: 4
No. of Pieces: 23
Level: Easy
Designer: POdragon
Photo: Skelekitty
NOTES: This model (and Starmie) have been designed to also double up as a Christmas tree star, with the addition of a cone that can be attached (with superglue) to the back of the completed model. Build by numbers.
Yay! I just had to place this Staryu on my tree. It's so cool!!!
Pointed edges seem odd.Staryu and starmi are angled.Especially the star's edges.
could I ask if I can get a .pdo version that is open for editing or is to scale size? 2 feet 7 inches or .8 meters
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