122 / MR. MIME - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Mr. Mime
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Species: Barrier Pokémon
Height: 1.3 m (4′03″)
Weight: 54.5 kg (120.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Mr. Mime has a round, white body with a red spot in the middle. Its light-pink arms and legs are connected to its body by red spheres. Mr. Mime has white, five-fingered hands and black feet that curl upward at the end. Mr. Mime has a pink head with red cheeks and blue, frizzy hair.
Height: 17.9 cm/ 7.0 in
Width: 19.4 cm/ 7.6 in
Depth: 15.5 cm/ 6.1 in
Pages: 6
Pieces: 67
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Olber
NOTES: Follow the numbers, being a bit careful with the arms and legs, especially the hands. Close at the back of the legs as indicated by numbers. Put a little weight in the center of the body to make it more stable. Multiple textures included for facial changes, need pdo to use the textures.
Download: A4 / Letter
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Species: Barrier Pokémon
Height: 1.3 m (4′03″)
Weight: 54.5 kg (120.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Mr. Mime has a round, white body with a red spot in the middle. Its light-pink arms and legs are connected to its body by red spheres. Mr. Mime has white, five-fingered hands and black feet that curl upward at the end. Mr. Mime has a pink head with red cheeks and blue, frizzy hair.
Height: 17.9 cm/ 7.0 in
Width: 19.4 cm/ 7.6 in
Depth: 15.5 cm/ 6.1 in
Pages: 6
Pieces: 67
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Olber
NOTES: Follow the numbers, being a bit careful with the arms and legs, especially the hands. Close at the back of the legs as indicated by numbers. Put a little weight in the center of the body to make it more stable. Multiple textures included for facial changes, need pdo to use the textures.
Download: A4 / Letter
I like the appearance you make!!
This is so weird, I make one for work so I am disconcert and dominate anyone who invades my cubicle territory.
my sister is addicted to Vulpix I know what I'll give you birthday
I wish it wasnt so menacing, id rather the one ash`s mom has...nice, happy, does the chores for you *sigh*
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