Due to a recent and sudden loss, the team will take a break from Paperpokés for a little while.
As some of you may have already heard, our beloved Paperbuff - one of the co-founders and our dearest friend - passed away last weekend, at the young age of 44. She is survived by her husband and 3 young sons.
For those of us who knew her, it was evident from the outset that she was a beautiful, generous and kind soul. She has touched the lives of so many and she will be dearly missed by us all; she will live on in the memories of those who love her.
We want to take this time to offer our sincere and dearest condolences to her friends and family. You're in our minds, hearts and prayers.
(PS. we have models scheduled up to December after which we'll have to see what happen. Please, be respectful in your comments.)
I just recently met Paperbuff... I don't know if I should be sad that I only had a couple of brief conversations with her, or be glad that we did have those conversations.
Somehow, she made this whole place... feel just like home.
You will be missed Paperbuff, both in our hearts and the heart of your Mother country.
Wow.....I'm speechless. I mean that's really young. You will be missed Paperbuff.
I'm so sorry.. >_<
I'll try to finish the totodile as soon as possible.
I really can't believe this has happened.
You really were, and will always be the nicest person I know here.. I wish I was able to let you know that you were one of the few that I looked up to. I hope youre having fun where you are.. Don't forget to visit me every once in a while! ^__^
I'll miss you Tita Dinna.. You will forever hold a special place in my heart
You will be missed so dearly, I personally did not know paperbuff, but just like anyone else, I am traumatised.
She was such a skilled paperpoke member, and her creations will live on forever, just as she will in our hearts.
Thank you Paperbuff, for all the great things you did for others, and you will be missed,
beloved paperpuff.
Dear paperbuff,
I'm so sad when I hear ... . Although I did not meet her, but I always admire your creations. Paperbuff - you will live forever in your models and in my heart too.
Once more times, thank you so much for all adorable things you create.
Your best fan
This is so sad!!!, I'm new at this site, so i didn't know her, but i knew her work that is so beautiful... She will leave in her pieces and in my heart... Thanks for everything
I feel really sad because all of my favorite papercrafts were by her...
Goodbye paperbuff your in me and my papercrafts hearts for ever
p.s I never met her but she was very special to the team:-(
Ohhh, I never met Paperbuff but she sounds lke a great person!!I feel so bad for you all!!):
Well, I didn't know her, but her work is awesome!!, She'll live forever in our hearts and in her papercrafts... I hope that paperpokes continue, because i think that it is a great way to remember her... RIP :(
No. Nobody can ever replace her and nobody will. You think building models was all she did? Well youre wrong. Very wrong.
Paperbuff played a much greater role in our community than just a "testbuilder".. She has positively affected many others, including me, was highly respected, and always will be.
As for the people who are responsible for this blog... I don't care if you get a new testbuilder to help out, just promise me that she won't be taken off the team..
Paperbuff is completely irreplaceable.
Is there any contact with her family right now? If there's a memorial fund set up, or some other way they'd like her memorialized, and they wish to open that to our community, I think all of us who are able would be honored to participate.
I just heard the bad news... and I'm full of grief. Although we only had contact through the internet, I think I can say we were good friends.
I'm really going to miss the conversations and fun we had, and I just wished I would have spent more time with you.
Rest in peace Paperbuff... We'll miss you.
to RMDC, for now, due to the nature of internet, we prefer if members of the community write some kind words to the family in here. We'll make sure the family receives them.
for the rest, we'd prefer to receive the family permission before setting up anything.
You guys should make something for her family, being creative helps me cope. My condolences...
This is very sad! :( I didn't know her either but lose someone who's very dear to you is very hard! I know that pain.. I've been trying to learn 3D-modelling in a while and have been very interested in papercraft for a year or so now, and on a really big project to show off my skills. If you ever need help with something I'd LOVE to help! :(
In honor of Paperbuff!
dms_akuma233@hotmail.com <- my email if you need help or something.
Too many people are using this as an opportunity to try and get picked up as a team member. It's sad. Really really sad, people. I haven't done this for long, but the sheer quality of her work was astounding and inspiring.
I can almost guarantee anyone offering their skills here will have the least chance to ever be a builder for PP. My opinion is not the only one that counts, but it is this- You sicken me. Trying to fill someone's spot in a post dedicated to their life, because of their death. It is in horrible taste, and at a horrible time. Chartodileon said it much better than I can, or will, and I thank him for that. He is entirely right- she could never be replaced.
I just learned that new... I'm really sad somebody dies at this age... It's sooooo young...
RIP PaperBuff...
This came really unexpected seeing that she was one of the first person I contacted when I started papercrafting just last month. From the detailed and helpful replies she gave to questions I asked, I could see that she's really friendly and helpful even towards newbies despite being busy as a staff at paperpokes...
Looking through my sent notes, this was the last reply I sent to her:
"Thanks a lot for taking the time to explain and giving tips to newbies like me, a great contributor to the papercraft community I must say!"
... And then this has to happen?
Rest in peace Paperbuff, you will be dearly missed and the papercrafting community has lost someone dear to them...
Thats too bad im sorry for her family she was a big part of the staff good luck in the future you guys are great
Rest in peace Paperbuff
My condolences to all that new her and her family. I didn't know her but I do know what it's like to have a family,and all of a sudden lose someone.All my love to all that new her and her family.
May she rest in peace.
I didn't know Paperbuff but it's very sad when someone passes so long before their time.
My hope is that this loss doesn't cause the rest of the Paperpokes team to stop working on and making paper models. Even though I didn't know her I can easily tell from just reading about her that that would be the last thing she would wish.
I do not like writing this in English.
But I did it in Spanish
Yo sigo su blog desde hace un tiempo y realmente siento mucho la perdida de una parte del grupo, mis condolencias.
Sympathies to the family of Paperbuff.
She has contributed immensely to the Pokémon papercraft community, and her influence could be felt throughout the entire community. Her dedication to her proliferating this hobby has allowed thousands of people to make crafts that are both fulfilling and bring joy to themselves and others.
I am sure she will be missed, and her spirit will forever live in the creations of Pokémon papercraft.
My condolences, guys. I never met Paperbuff, but I knew she helped out a lot both with this site & Nintendo Papercraft. We'll miss her.
Dear Paperbuff's family,
Hi, my name is Haywan Chiu, a member of the papercraft community in which Paperbuff was a part of. The papercraft hobby attracts the attention of many teenagers, and teaches them how to be patient, careful, and diligent workers. Through her work, many members of the community and myself saw Paperbuff as a person with all of these qualities. You probably don't realize it as well as the community can, but she played a significant role in the lives of many members of the younger generation.
She will be missed and her contributions were priceless.
Haywan Chiu
I'm sorry for everyone who knew her
Don't Worry. She's in the right hand of God where she belongs I bet she was awesome I was inspired by her..
R.I.P Paperbuff...
im just new here but ...to read that she passed away and then see her papercrafts makes me really sad....im sorry for all those she left and i really hope shes rests in peace
Hello, I am new to this site, I recently found it. When I saw that Paperbuff passed away, I started to tear up. That is so sad. I'm very sorry to all of you. :(
Wow. I never got to talk to her. I'm speechless. How did she pass away so young? *rushes off to make a paper memorial with all the crafts she helped with*
Oh...wow. That is depressing. I do believe that even from Heaven she will continue to inspire all of you there at Paperpoke. I hope you can continue to create such exquisite paper crafts. You know she'd want you too. And good choice of using Lapras as the pokemon for your ad.
I can't think of any way to express my sorrow. I'm a long time die hard pokemon fan an my junior high art class just made one of paperbuff's models. May she live on through her work, phanpy.
My condolences, is a big lose for us, as a friend and a fan of the papercraft
R.I.P Paperbuff...
I'll try making a Lapres for her loss. (not being rude or anything) Anyway, I saw the image, and read this post. So I will try to make a Lapres for her.
I'm new to this site and although i never met Paperbuff, i'm sorry to hear about your loss. For with the loss of her, everyone who has ever met her or encountered one of her art projects shall feel like they have lost a piece of themselves.
I am so sorry!:( I will dedicate my next paper craft to her. I can't imagine how you must be feeling right now:'(
I am incredibly sorry, even though I didn't even meet her. Rest In Peace, Paperbuff. I will honor your craftsmanship and not let it go to waste.:(
:( 44 is so young RIP :(
I'm so sorry ........ RIP: (
I haven´t see this post and I really like it, I´m so sorry for your lost, thanks a lot for all the papermodels you have here. God bless you!
We are newbies to this site and very very sad to hear this.
To this respectable person we offer our deepest gratitude...
Rest in peace....
Whoa, so young, and since a long time, i feel ashamed to not have met her. Rest in peace dearest Paperbuff....:*(
"It doesn't matter how long you live, but what you do while you live is what matters" a saying goes.I'm a newbe here, and I didn't know Paperbuff, but judging from her creations, the way people describe her and talk for her, I'm sure that she was a very nice and kindhearted person, and that she had done many things while she lived, many for others.I wish I had a chance to meet her, or at least chat with her through the internet.I'm sure that it hurts to lose someone you love, that be a friend, your mother, your wife.But I'm sure that she's now in the heaven, and that she would want you to continue your excellent work with Paperpokes.
Rest In Peace Paperbuff...
I am so sorry. I wish i got to know her.
But everybody knows there comes a time in life, when you have to pass on. I mean, everybody dies, right? But sometimes, it just happens to one of your loved ones..... In this case, poor Paperbuff. I hope that someday, I will get to meet Paperbuff in Heaven. May your piece of Heaven be a Pokemon filled wondeland, Paperbuff. *sniffle* You were loved, Paperbuff. May I see you in Heaven.
i gona show my respect and say R.I.P my freend and and try to teach my brother to fold some cool Pokemon. R.I.P Stian G and Paperbuff
I arrived in this site less than 1 month ago and when I read of this I was very very sad(sorry for my english but I'm Italian)
I've been using templates from this site for a few months now, and making a bunch of Pokemon for my friends. It has made them really happy and just in case any of Paperbuff's friends frequent this blog I just want to let them know that she has left something positive and wonderful behind.
Rest peacefully and thank you for what you have done
i just saw this site a week ago and have already made three of paperbuffs wonderfull creations.May soul live with us forever.....Rest in peace paperbuff....
I know that these shorter posts are meaningless, just empty sympathy to fill the space. I want to type something meaningful, even thought nobody knows me and I know nobody.
I'm here because I was on Join.me with a friend. I was flipping through pictures and found an amazing origami Pokemon. Following the link, I fell in love with the amazing work here.
Then I wandered here.
My friend and I read this, and I'm unsure whether she cried, but I can tell you I did. The comments make me even more tearful. She is remembered as an amazing woman, someone who is kind to everyone, and is well loved, irreplaceable. If she were here, I'm sure she would feel blessed to have so many people that love her.
I'm new to papercraft, but I just wanted to say thank you to Paperbuff and say that she is so clearly remembered with love and adored by all who knew her. Her kind spirit lives on through all who enjoy this wonderful site. Best wishes to her friends and family from California. <3
Wow. I am truly shocked. I have been visiting this site for a couple years or so now. The link to this post has been on the site since before I first discovered this place. I saw that picture with Lapras every time I ever came to this site, but until now I never thought to click on it, never really gave it much thought. Today I followed the link and read the post, and I was absolutely shocked at what I read. I feel so ignorant for not finding out about this before. I am so sorry for the loss of Paperbuff, and I am sorry for not saying anything sooner.
I am really sorry, but on the bright side, she really did something good with her life. she created something many people would grow to love. I am starting a collection. remember her.
Wow...I just went onto your site a little while ago,and was looking around.I noticed the little link for Paperbuff,and though 'Oh,she must be sick or off work or something,let's click on it.'
And so I did.
And I was shocked.
I hope,that after all the time,you guys have started to soothe the pain.Not only is she lived on by her family,she's lived by all her beautiful paper models,for pokemon crafts,she's left more than a lifetime of building.Guys,for her,keep on building.I'm not sure if I'm glad I didn't know her,so I wouldn't be that affected,or if I'm sad,knowing I'll never speak to her.
I am a newbie at papercraft, and I just learned this after looking at some of her creations today. It's so sad… I am very sorry for this loss, even though this is many years from this… I wish I could have met her, she seemed so nice and inspirational, and creative.
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I saw this when i first started visiting the website and at first i skipped passed it thinking it was an advertisement. But one day i actually read it and realized that paperbuff is the creator of some of the desighns so i read it and and when i did i felt very sad even though i never met her and i don't think any of the models that i have made were made by her. But this is one of my favorite websites and hearing this is very sad.
Hello, I'm fairly new to papercrafting world and a fans of pokemon series. I recently started to make models from this site. I just read the announcement today and I would like to give my sincere gratitude for the creator of this models and I would like you to know that your model designs have helped me cope to my anxiousness and depression I had for several years. For Paperbuff, where ever you may be, thank you very much from the very bottom of my heart. Rest in peace, may God always protect you.
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