14 February 2011

NIDORAN M (Happy Valentine's Day!)

032 / NIDORAN - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Nidoran
Type: Poison
Species: Poison Pin Pokémon
Height: 0.5 m (1′08″)
Weight: 9.0 kg (19.8 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Nidoran♂ are fairly docile Pokémon, although they tend to be more alert and nervous than their female counterparts, constantly listening for the sounds of approaching enemies with their large ears. Their potent venom is used primarily as a defense, and most likely evolved to counteract their small body size.

Height: 14.1 cm/ 5.6 in
Width: 15.2 cm/ 6.0 in
Depth: 13.1 cm/ 5.2 in
Pages: 5
Pieces: 46
Level: Medium-Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Olber
NOTES: Begin from mouth, build the face, attach the ears, and complete the head. Build the back and spikes, attach the front legs, belly. Close the model at one of the rear legs.

Download: A4 / Letter


leafeon4ever! said...

aw there so cute together!!! nice work! i dunno why but nidoran always remind me of rabbits xD

Anonymous said...

Finally! I've been waiting on this one for quite some time. I can't wait to make it.

leafeon4ever! said...

i was extracting it and theres no pepakura veiwer of it :'( . it says that the file is "corrupt" ??? i dunno why this is??? is there any problems with the file??? i can only get the pdf template but no pdo.

Brandon said...

Hmm, they both work fine for me (A4 and Letter). Regardless, I've resaved the file and have already reuploaded them.

leafeon4ever! said...

thnxs Brandon :D it worked ^^

Anonymous said...

ugh im confuzed, all the crafts i try to download arent working, they download, but there is no pdo file and it says its corupt, what should i do??? D=

Brandon said...

What program are you using/trying to use to open the rar files?

Unknown said...

nevermind, i got it to work

Anonymous said...

... phew, this cheers me a bit...
I have a crush and I didn't get
so lucky like those nidorans..

Unknown said...

Where can I found a tutorial or guide to build nidoran? I have some difficulties with the spikes of the middle of the back and the hears. Thank you