016 / PIDGEY - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Pidgey
Type: Normal/Flying
Species: Tiny Bird Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight: 1.8 kg (4.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Pidgey resembles a small, plump-bodied bird. It is a brown color, with a lighter colored throat and belly. The tips of its wings share this cream color. Both its feet and beak are a pinkish-gray color. Its plumage is fairly nondescript, particularly compared to its evolutions Pidgeotto and Pidgeot. It has black markings around its eyes and a small crest of brown and cream feathers above its eyes. It evolves into Pidgeotto starting at level 18 and then into Pidgeot starting at level 36.
Height: 15.0 cm/ 5.9 in
Width: 10.9 cm/ 4.3 in
Depth: 17.1 cm/6.7 in
Pages: 5
Pieces: 31
Level: Easy
Designer: PODragon
Photo: Skeleman
NOTES: Follow the numbers, being a bit careful with the way the wings and tail go together. Close at the bottom, and then attach the feet.
Download: A4 / Letter
Type: Normal/Flying
Species: Tiny Bird Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight: 1.8 kg (4.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Pidgey resembles a small, plump-bodied bird. It is a brown color, with a lighter colored throat and belly. The tips of its wings share this cream color. Both its feet and beak are a pinkish-gray color. Its plumage is fairly nondescript, particularly compared to its evolutions Pidgeotto and Pidgeot. It has black markings around its eyes and a small crest of brown and cream feathers above its eyes. It evolves into Pidgeotto starting at level 18 and then into Pidgeot starting at level 36.
Height: 15.0 cm/ 5.9 in
Width: 10.9 cm/ 4.3 in
Depth: 17.1 cm/6.7 in
Pages: 5
Pieces: 31
Level: Easy
Designer: PODragon
Photo: Skeleman
NOTES: Follow the numbers, being a bit careful with the way the wings and tail go together. Close at the bottom, and then attach the feet.
Download: A4 / Letter
YAY! I am very enjoying this! When I finish Tentacruel I am doing Pidgey!
You need to update the Gen 1 page though!
Looking forward to Pigeot, Golem, and Scyther, when I finish Croagunk, Pidgey is next
i just love this pidgey, good job guys!
This nice model is much loved by me so thank you
There is a Pidgey by another designer, less cute also. I think it is exiting to see different Pokemon artist rival visions.
Wow this is awesome! Do you guys take suggestions? If you guys do can you make a jellicent its my favorite pokemon. Please and thank you :)
4 days later now when is the next model coming out???
3 more days. If you notice, we post on a weekly schedule, not an every 4 days schedule.
Yeah but sometime you guys release multiple crafts a week.
Any chance of a back layer being added for download for like the top feathers and wings? Seeing the white paper just annoys me xD
You could probably reprint the image, mirrored, on the back of the feather and wing pages to add the color. Just an idea.
what program I need to open this document?
I'm confused on the whole thing I don't know where each part goes HELP!
I'm having a hard time figuring out how this one fits together. A detailed instruction sheet would be helpful.
im confused.how do i assemble the beaks?
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