24 October 2011


092 / GASTLY - Chibi - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Gengar
Type: Ghost/Poison
Species: Gas Pokémon
Height: 1.3 m (4′03″)
Weight: 0.1 kg (0.2 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Gastly appears to be nothing more than a black ball of ghostly matter that is surrounded by a purple glow of smog. Gastly has big, white eyes and a mouth with a pair of fangs in it. Gastly's face is similar to Cloyster's, but the two Pokémon aren't related.

Height: 6.2 cm/ 2.4 in
Width: 6.9 cm/ 2.7 in
Depth: 5.0 cm/ 2.0 in
Pages: 1
Pieces: 9
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Follow the numbers, and use the large cloud as a base.

Download: A4 / Letter


Anonymous said...

nice use of the cloud :D

Anonymous said...

i can't open the RAR files and i am unable to download the WinRAR program. what do i do? I really want to make the chibi models.

Anonymous said...

Download the Zipeg application online, it opens .rar and .zip files for mac and windows