643 / RESHIRAM - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Reshiram
Type: Dragon/Fire
Species: White Yang Pokémon
Height: 3.2 m (10′6″)
Weight: 330.0 kg (150.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Reshiram and its counterpart Zekrom are based on the concept of yin and yang.
Height: 22.0 cm/8.7 in
Width: 26.8 cm/ 10.6 in
Depth: 23.9 cm/9.4 in
Pages: 6
Pieces: 96
Level: Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Carnilmo
NOTES: Some notes included in the files. Shiny now included in the download packs.
Download: A4 / Letter
instead of already starting on the 5th gen pokemon you should go back and finish the rest
well, we are celebrating the new generation by having a full month of those models. we won't stop making the previous generations, don't worry, they'll be back in october.
Would've rather had Zekrom but beggars can't be choosers. Awesome model yet again! :)
HEY ! Can you make the deoxys NEXT MONTH! PRETTY PLEASE!!!AND if you finish all of it..... congrats!
must have !
*smiles big* You guys never fail to surprise me. This is such an amazing model!
I'm officially declaring that October is Generation 1 month ;p
huh... we kinda planned to have October be "Halloween month", maybe we can try to fit some Gen 1 in November. :\
We understand that people want Gen 1 and everything, but we already have a schedule that we are going to stick to. I'm sure there are some people who don't like Gen 1, and want more of the other generations too. We'll get to them eventually.
There are some pokes I would like to have right now, right now this instant, no waiting, gimmee or I will hold my breath until I turn blue;
But I am just happy and pleased and surprized to get which ever turns up next. I make pokes and leave them around to be adopted.
Thank you for your generosity for having created all the paper pokemons.
Guys, seriously, be grateful that the PaperPokes team is making models for us at all. So please stop requesting and demanding stuff when they have a set schedule. They could charge for downloading the models or even have quit when Paperbuff was no longer with us. The fact that there's a wonderful group of guys and girls working together to make as many of the Pokemon as they can (and even redoing old models!) should be enough.
Thanks, PaperPokes, for making such great pieces of art to share with the world! :D
Shame on u people commenting >.>! wtf these people work hard and build models for u and give them to you FOR FREE and complaining and demanding You should be saying thank you and saying how great and generous they are for doing so! You should be ashamed
I effing love you guys.
Wow, look awesome, is bad for now i make the Kibago one~ and i finish my paper xD
Anyway, very good job! i wait for the Pokabu one, and awesome job in general!
You guys don't have to get so upset. Of course we appreciate these people for the papercrafts they give us and are extremely grateful for them. And we do respect their schedule. When we request papercrafts, we don't mean it in a demanding "make this papercraft now or i will hate you forever",it just people giving ideas about which pokemon they would personally like. We also known they can't please everyone at once. We're just happy that their is people making these for us.
If Reshiram model looks this amazing, then I can't wait for the Zekrom one :)
Very Cool site!!!
Anon (from Sept. 18th),
It's great that you understand and appreciate what the PaperPokes team is doing for us, but some of the other people's comments (not just on this model, but throughout the whole site) just come off as too demanding and ungrateful. Saying what models "should" come next, yelling and going crazy, and so on is just rude. I just want people who come here to use "please" and "thank you" more often. And be a little less "ZOMG!!! CAN U DO ARCEUS? HES MY FAVORITE! YOU GUYZ NEED TO DO ARCEUS! PRETTY PLZ WIT CANDY ON TOP!!!!" I'm sure if the PaperPokes guys wanted our input on what models should come next, they'd ask us or put up a poll. It's just that they have busy lives like the rest of us and can't make all the models we ask them to make ASAP. Sorry if I sound rude, and I really don't want to be the PaperPokes spokesperson (because I'm not on the team)--the PaperPokes guys can speak up for themselves if they wish. I just want everyone to relax and think about what they're saying before they comment.
Alright people, stop it with all that now, it's Reshiram's comments thread so keep it related to it.
About the requests, we appreciate them when there's a nice word with them, but we don't really listen to them. In 2 years, we pretty much got a request for every single Pokémon; there's some that come more often than others tho and so we try to make those sometimes. The good thing about request tho is that it can reminds us of some forgotten Pokémon.
For the schedule, we try to make it so there's something for everyone each month (different styles, generations, types, styles, etc.) But we do try to keep it interesting and often have special reasons to post a model at a certain date.
For example, when there's the birthday of a team member, the models around the date would be his/her choice. Also at some holidays and at special events like "when a new generation comes out".
Lately tho, we've been doing full months based around special events and I think it makes the site a little more fun. As such, October will be a month of scary/dark Pokémon for Halloween and December will have Christmas-related models mix with some really interesting/awaited models to celebrate our 2nd anniversary.
This poke is not kwai.
He is very scary and dominating.
I wonder if I am brave enough to make it?!!
I and kids make pokes and I "anonymousey" leave them around office public areas and see where they turn up. My job gives me total access to building and lets me still remain invisible.
I think it is absolutely hilarious that pokes have started turning up in administration level offices, secretaries and reception tend to have cute pokes, sales and marketing and admins have fierce looking pokes.
Thanks for all the great creations and thanks for all the fun they let me have.
Please stop making the 5 pokemon they are really stupid and. Hardly anyone knows about them.focus on the earlier seasons because all the awesome ones like mewto are highly anticipated bit not made yet.
The 5th Gen Pokemon arent stupid.A true Pokemon fan likes every single Pokemon anyways,even if they look weird.Besides,there are some 1st Gen Pokemon that look unoriginal and stupid anyways:Ditto,Magnemite,Voltorb,Electrode,Eggxecute,etc.,but I like them even if they look like that.And I personally think Reshiram and Zekrom look a little better than Mewtwo anyways.And yes,I know its everyone's opinion,but really,think about it.And its THEIR decision to make 5th Gen Pokemon,not yours. <_<
Anyways,nice work guys.But can you put some instructions on how to make it?Im having some troubles with the papercraft...I hope you can finish Banipucchi soon! :D But take your time. :P
Man you guys are awesome I've never seen such papercraft in my life keep up the great work!
i'm new to this site cuz i just heard of it from a friend who just started building his fifth paper pokemon and its this one and nice work
Wow this model is truly amazing. But I'm really hesitant to build it due to the feather sticking out of the special area.. its kinda hard to unsee it if you know what I mean hahah. I was wondering is there anyway to include a piece in the .pdf if we want to build it with a flat groin area?
Woww, you guys shouldn't really be demanding for specific crafts. In the end they're all going to be done, and I think it's great that the PaperPokes team is actually going ahead and starting on the fifth generation.
Anyways, I really liked how this guy turned out,but I'm kind of afraid to build it, it looks hard, haha xD
Keep up the awesome work!
Wow. Keep up the good work!
Hey are there certain pokemon that you'll never do because they're impossible? I've heard that it would be impossible to make an arceus, but is it possible? Also, can't wait until you make all the legendary pokemon in gen 5! they look awesome!
Nope, we'll be doing them all. 'Impossible' doesn't exist to us :P Besides maybe a possibility of it being impossible to finish them all because Nintendo keeps adding gens o.O
I was just wondering, what type of program should I open these files in once I download them?
wow... just wow you guys are so inspiring to never give up! thats why at the begining of the school year i promised my self that i would draw/colour and post all of my drawings on fb so everyone can see that i actually drew them. i cant wait till you guys make litwick. its my new fav pokemon he is very handsome and festive. keep up the good work and nevr give up
Check out the FAQ for more info about the programs. Includes links.
YAAAY! i love it thanks guys u da BOMB hahaha soo till next monday see ya
It's nice that you did Reshiram. Can you do Zekrom or Kyurem, maybe even in the next two months? Thanks.
i need help when ever i try to download a pokemon from the site it said they need winrar ALL the pokemon downloads say this even the ones theat before i could download before i got winrar but now i can't i just got rid of winrar what do i do?i don't want to re-download winrar...
You can open the zip files without Winrar, but anything that has .rar at the end you'll need some sort of rar extractor for.
You can see the file extensions when you hover over the links.
But without Winrar, or some other rar extractor (Winrar is one of the easiest, and free) you can't open the rars. That's all there is to it.
O_o the picture link died.. or is that just me?
Huh, you're right; for some reason it wasn't working. Thanks, fixed.
@ Annonymous
if they want to start the fifth gen pokemon they can.
These people have done an outstanding job!
Please can you guys make some 5th generation pokemon. The pokemon below is i please wish you guys can make.
Actually, we've been working on a few recently. not limited to that list of course :P But we're going to try and do quite a few 5th gens soon.
I just can't wait for Haxorus and Hydreigon... seriously, I'm almost peeing with excitement!
Hey there guys! I'm currently trying to build this papercraft and was wondering, should I make the arms first or the legs and the tail? Would be cool if you could help me out :)
WOW!!! Sooo cool!
Can u plz do victini to, it´s so cuuuute:)
I am sorry to hear that ur papercrafting work has been more a job than a hobby. I hope you will create paperpokes again.
p.s. could you make starly staravia and staraptor if you feel like papercrafting? I would love it :)
good luck
Eva Hendriks (Holland)
^^some of these people need to realize that the world dosent revolve around them if they want a specific pokemon then they will just have to wait cuz demanding it wont make it come sooner if anything paperpokes just might make the craft you want dead last so Stfu and be happy with what they have
I think that i just died and went to heaven. God almighty this is gonna be one heck of a mess. Thanks Brandon keep up the good work.
Your paperpokes are amazing! I love to papercraft and when I found your website I was in heaven. Pokemon is one of my favorite games and papercrafting is one of my favorite hobbies. You have just combined them into one. Mindblown!
Wow. Just wow. I read the comment that said you don't really listen to the requests but just in case you listen to this one i would like a staraptor
Hi! I wanted to thank you for this model, I'm close to finishing mine ^_^ Quick question: How did you get it to stand in the picture!? It doesn't look ike you mnade a stand to it or anything? The tail overweighs my model, so I had to make a base to old the tail.
I need help with the tail… can anyone offer some advice?
Hey, I'm so sorry PaperPokes has become a job!!!1!!
that being said, make this model its my favorite
Hi guys. Reshiram's the Vast White Pokémon.
Hi guys, this model is epic! I want to say thanks for making these models. One question: How do I fit Reshiram's face onto the 'Base of Head'?
Also, one request. I don't want to sound ungrateful (I am very grateful for these models) but for a later model could you make Ho-Oh or One of the Kalos XYZ legendaries please. I would be really happy. Thanks!
Honestly, i think there needs to be a Kyurem figure. Regular Kyurem, Black Kyurem, and White Kyurem. And maybe along with the trainer figure, a figure specifically for Ash Ketchum. Great Reshiram though!
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