25 December 2011


120 / STARYU - Chibi - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Staryu
Type: Water
Species: Star Shape Pokémon
Height: 0.8 m (2′07″)
Weight: 34.5 kg (76.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: The core of a Staryu acts as a heart for the Pokémon. It glows brightly when it's healthy and happy. When it is excited, scared or angered it will flash, increasing as the emotion intensifies. If a Staryu becomes weak, its core will grow faint and will also flash slowly when it is very sick or near death.

Height: 7.8 cm/ 3.1 in
Width: 8.2 cm/ 3.2 in
Depth: 4.7 cm/ 1.9 in
Pages: 1
Pieces: 13
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Follow the numbers while building. Additional notes included.

Download: A4 / Letter

1 comment:

O. said...

Ahaha cute !
(I feel that I will make every chibi pokès :P)