13 February 2012


439 / MIME JR - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Mime Jr.
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Species: Mime Pokémon
Height: 0.6 m (2′00″)
Weight: 13.0 kg (28.7 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Mime Jr. is a small pink Pokémon with a black torso. Mime Jr. has a red bump on its stomach and a typical red clown nose on its face. Mime Jr. appears to be wearing a black, crooked hat with a white ball on it.

Height: 17.5 cm/ 6.9 in
Width: 14.3 cm/ 5.6 in
Depth: 8.8 cm/ 3.5 in
Pages: 3
Pieces: 36
Level: Medium
Designer: Olber and Brandon
Photo: Olber
NOTES: Build from the head down, attaching the arms and bulbous skirt as you go. Close at the bottom, and attach the legs.

Download: A4 / Letter

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