001 / BULBASAUR - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Bulbasaur
Type: Poison/Grass
Species: Seed Pokémon
Height: 0.7 m (2' 4")
Weight: 6.9 kg (15.2 lbs)
Interesting Facts: In times of scarcity, it does not need to eat much food, since the bulb on its back can store energy from the sun. It evolves into Ivysaur starting at level 16, whom evolves into Venusaur starting at level 32.
Height: 16.0 cm/6.3 in
Width: 15.0 cm/5.9 in
Depth: 18.1 cm/7.1 in
No. of Pages: 9
Level: Hard
Designer: PMF
Photo: Skelekitty
NOTES: This one is tricky. It difficulty level is entirely based on the order in which you glue the pieces together. Start at the head, shoulders, front legs, bulb, bottom and close the model at one of the rear legs. Good luck / have fun!
Download: A4 / Letter
Bulbasaur v2
i had a problem with the bulb but i build it
This needs instructions or hints or something.. S'really difficult to work out when you don't know what pieces go where.
There should be a PDO file with the download which you can open with Pepakura Viewer. It's kinda like 3d instructions. Sadly, it only work with Windows, not Mac.
Yeah, that was my meaning. I use a mac and it gets a bit confusing with all the pieces.
Just labeling them with 'leg' or 'arm', etc, makes it easier to work out.
No offense meant of course, these are brilliant.
ah sorry about that. I gotta admit tho that some of those old models need an update. We got a lil better with time :P
personally i like the older one better but dont get me wrong u guys are amazing at this
paperpokes 4ever
one of my favorites :)
it would be completely awesome if some of these smaller pokemon could be made to be life sized... it would bring out some detail too.
All I can say is I love you guys :'(
I've gotta say.. you guys are amazing. I build papercrafts all the time, and when I found this website, I was in heaven. Keep up the great work guys!
I just joined and I don,t know how you'r supost to make one of these! I mean do you print it out and glue it together? or something....I mean how do you get the parts you need to make one?
Yup, you print it out, cut out the pieces, and then glue them together. The templates can be found in the Download section in each post, and more info can be found in the FAQ.
okay I am stuck completely. is there a guide on how to put it together because I have the bulb built, mouth and face built but not put together and the 4 legs. the rest is just a jumbled up mess. PLEASE HELP!!!
I can't open a single file! D: Is there anyway to post the parts in another way? :/
~ chrys
Have you read the FAQ? You should be able to open the files with Winrar.
what if i have a mac, can i still print the tablets?
Uuhm, well, what will make this one so much harder than the V2 bulbasaur? I found the v2 'easy' pretty hard myself.
I cannot believe I have now only just discovered this site and craft for Pokemon. Officially in love!
Are there instructions for this?
My computer keeps saying that I need to download RAR app, but when I do I can't open the file. Nothing that I do will get the file open to be able to print it out.
Might have to associate the program with the file, or just get the browser to download it rather than open it immediately. What's the direct error it's giving?
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