Name: Marill
Type: Water/Fairy
Species: Aqua Mouse Pokémon
Height: 0.32 m (1'04")
Weight: 8.48 kg (18.7 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: The round ball on the end of its tail acts like a flotation device, so it can float safely on the roughest of water conditions. It's tail's jagged appearance originally lead people to believe that it was related to Pikachu. Marill evolves from Azurill via happiness, and evolves into Azumarill starting at level 18.
Height: 15.0 cm/5.91 in
Width: 20.9 cm/ 8.23 in
Depth: 13.7 cm/5.39 in
No. of Pages: 4
No. of Pieces: 40
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Skelekitty
NOTES: Pretty straight forward build - start at the top and close the model at the bottom. When constructing the tail, start at the tip, make each section one at a time, and insert the previous part in to the next, and attach it to the body before closing. Then (with a generous amount of glue inserted into the tail buoy) pop it onto the tip of the tail.
Thanks a lot for this model!! I'm a huge fan of Marill, so I'll start making this one ASAP =D
I'll look for a Cubone for my boyfriend tehehe
very cute model! im hoping you'll soon come out with wooper and lickitung!
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