Name: Cherrim
Type: Grass
Species: Blossom Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m (1'08")
Weight: 9.3 kg (20.5 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Cherrim has two different forms, both of which are dependent on the weather - during an overcast day it takes on the appearance of a closed flower bud, but on sunny days it appears in a cherry blossom form. It is completely docile as a bud form but becomes constantly cheerful when it blooms. This change in personality takes place only after it has when it initially opened up and released all of its anger and frustration that it stored as a bud. Cherrim evolves from Cherubi starting at level 25.
Height: 15.0 cm/5.9 in
Width: 11.5 cm/ 4.5 in
Depth: 13.3 cm/5.2 in
No. of Pages: 4
No. of Pieces: 27
Level: Easy
Designer: POdragon
Photo: Skelekitty
NOTES: Cut the petals out, and glue both sides together using a stick glue to avoid creases or paper warping.
Thank you so much. They are so cute.
I love you...en serio I love you.
Great work XD
I just made Cherubi... I love It!!
I noticed the pdo is the lineless version, It doesnt matter to me but might to other people...
Thank you, that has been amended now.
cuteeeeee *O*
why you dont put the two forms of cherrim(the open form and the closed form)
Just finished! This was my very first papercraft! Very easy to pick up and follow along! Thank you!
OMG... a roserade,luxray,or scizor would be awesome!Plz make them soon!
I want the emo form! //.)
please the second form *-*
i think that this is very cute
please put cherrim in the other form
but thanks for these my sister will don t kill me in their birthday:)
This was the first one I made, and it turned out okay, but oh god I couldn't connect the legs and the skirt and the thing in between for the longest time. I managed to get the thing in the middle connected to the legs but after that I started to rage so bad that I ended up just shoving the legs up there and putting a bunch of glue ;A;
Now I haz a stubby Cherrim, but it's still cute XD
It was impossible for me to put the legs together and on, I searched everywhere for a tutorial but nothing would help.
Great job on this. so cute. pretty hard with the cherries and the legs doh. but so awesome. cant wait to do a new one.
how do u make this freaking thing stand up!?!?!??!?!?!?!
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