Name: Sunkern
Type: Grass
Species: Seed Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight: 1.8 kg (4.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Sunkern is a seed with a small sprout growing out of its top. It already contains the nutrients it needs to evolve into Sunflora, and needs only to take in water. By statistical averages, Sunkern is the weakest Pokémon, and defends itself by thrashing its sprout at enemies. It evolves into Sunflora via Sun Stone.
Height: 17.5 cm/6.9 in
Width: 14.0 cm/ 5.5 in
Depth: 7.8 cm/3.1 in
No. of Pages: 4
No. of Pieces: 47
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Skelekitty
NOTES: The leaves and crown can be tricky, but follow the instructions on the .PDO/.PDF and it should come together nicely. The download pack contains two types of textures: one for green eyes and an alternate blue eyes texture.
I eat sunflower seeds XD
but i'd never eat this cute little fella, nice papercrafting XP
How do I download the template?
By clicking on the "DOWNLOAD: A4 / Letter" links.
So, I downloaded the first one, but I can only open the picture files.
You need to read our FAQ.
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