143 / SNORLAX - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Snorlax
Type: Normal
Species: Sleeping Pokémon
Height: 2.1 m (6'11")
Weight: 460.0 kg (1014.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Wild Snorlax can be found sleeping in inconvenient locations throughout Kanto. Many Snorlax only awaken once a month, spending their waking time finding more food. A hungry Snorlax is not very picky, and will eat anything and everything that is edible, and it isn't satisfied until it consumes 900 pounds of food. Then it goes back to sleep. If one ever sees a sleeping Snorlax, he or she should not wake it up, because these Pokémon become very grumpy if their peaceful dreams become interrupted. It evolves from Munchlax via Happiness.
Height: 45.0 cm /17.7 in or 20.0 cm / 7.8 in
Width: 53.2 cm / 20.9 in or 23.6 cm / 9.2 in
Depth: 39.7 cm /15.5 in or 17.6 cm / 6.8 in
No. of Pages: 36 or 9
No. of Pieces: 106
Level: Medium
Designer: PMF
Photo: Skelekitty
NOTES: PMF and I have always loved Snorlax - we can totally relate to it's lifestyle :P - so when I asked for a GIANT sitting version, PMF didn't hesitate.
I did initially build the giant 45cm high model, but I accidentally printed the template out on the wrong weight paper (120gsm instead of 200gsm) and consequently the finished model was too fragile, and buckled out of shape under even the slightest pressure - much to the enjoyment of my 3 year old. So rather than print out all 36 pages again, I downsized it to 20cm, knowing that the template was buildable.
We have provided both sizes in the download packs. It's a straightforward build: remember to print the giant version on heavier cardstock, start at the head, and work your way down in rings - follow the numbers of each piece - close at the soles of the feet. We have also included the Burger and Wiimote accessory =p
Snorlax v1
My friends, I really don´t have words to express how amazed i am... Congrats again and thanks a lot for all your work!!! you keep me waiting in front of my computer for your next model!!
He is from the Brawl trophy, isn't it?
Ummmm....not to be mean....but didn't someone already upload a Snorlax papercraft to nintendopapercraft.com? Great job though.
yeah you're right, but that was us too :P
that one is our 3rd Snorlax, there's a sleeping one and a Pokédoll one too.
we just love Snorlax lol
Snorlax, jojojojoj thank you very much
this model is amazing...
it even has his own hamburger... :)
thanks a lot for this one
keep up your wonderful work!
The wii remote is really cool
how can i download this?? it´s really hard because once i download it, it opens a window that tells me a bunch of icons and i can´t really prepare it to be printed out and done. Help please.
You may find that using another internet browser will solve your problem.
If you are using Internet Explorer, try using Firefox instead. Alternatively, if the problem persists, email us directly and we will send you the required .ZIP file.
Um, I'm confused as to where I should place part # 69. This is only my second Paperpokés papercraft, but my Mom loves Snorlax so I decided to make her one for her birthday.
@ Kelsie
If you open the PDO in Pepakura Viewer, and move your mouse across the pieces, you should see a red line that connects each side of that piece with it's corresponding piece. What you will see is something similar to this:
We always recommend that you have the PDO open as you build, or at least study the template.
Thank you very much!
Thanks a lot for this excellent site! My 12-yrs-old child has just completed his 1st creation, 20 cm Snorlax, whom he's very fond of !!!!
I think this is a very nice & productive way of spending time for children, a valid alternative to PS, pc or similar stuff !!! Now I'll go on printing new models!!! Great work, thanks again
do you have any other big ones?
i think Pupitar is quite big too, but no, this is the only big one.
If you only complete the first six pages (the head), it actually makes a rather snazzy hat!
Whats the file, Snorlax Alt mean? It seems the Snorlax45cm-Letter_Lines and Snorlax45cm-Letter_Alt_Lines are the same thing but the color is different, so which is the true Snorlax color?
There have been 3 distinct colours given to Snorlax over the years:
Dark teal blue
Dark mossy green
Mid blue (shiny)
The "alt" has been designated to one of the above, to distinguish between the two standard colours.
Has anyone ever conquered building the 17.7 inch Snorlax yet? ^__^
He's so fluffyyyy!
I can't construct his left arm I'm stuck anyone know were I can't get sOme instruction
what does RHS and LHS means? xD
im quite noob at translating xD
Right hand side, Left hand side
(왘ㅋㅋ한국인 발견ㅋㅋㅋㅋ)
sometimes, snorlax should stand up like 6th generation.
지포시 짱!!!!!!!!!!
i can't open it in photoshop when i want to print it, can you tell me the password please?
What software do you use to design these?
Pepakura, Metaseq, Photoshop/Gimp
thanks for the 45cm model, i love it
👍 :)
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