Name: Pichu
Type: Electric
Species: Tiny Mouse Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight: 2.0 kg (4.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Spiky-eared Pichu (also known as Notched-ear Pichu) is obtainable in HeartGold/SoulSilver only if you go to the Ilex Forest Shrine whith the special Pikachu-colored Pichu in your team. It'll jump from behind the shrine and join you at level 30, female, with the moves Volt Tackle, Helping Hand, Swagger and Pain Split. If taken to Professor Elm, it is revealed that she has travelled through time with Celebi. He adds that the reason it cannot evolve is because she has been time travelling for so long. He will then call all the Pokémon Center attendants to prevent Spiky-Eared Pichu from being used in trades.
Height: 15 cm/5.9 in
Width: 18,7 cm/ 7.4 in
Depth: 11 cm/4.3 in
No. of Pages: 3
No. of Pieces: 27
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon/Lyrin
Photo: Lyrin
NOTES: The model isn't difficult to build overall. The only challenging parts are the arms and the tiny thumbs. I suggest you to use tweezers for holding the thumbs tabs while they glue. As usual, follow the numbers on the template, and use the .pdo as reference (recommended). The ear-spike is optional: you'll have to build the left ear first, then assemble the spike, fold its tabs inside it, and then glue it on top of the ear. I've included shiny textures even if Spiky-eared Pichu hasn't a shiny version ingame. I did so in case someone wanted to build a simple shiny Pichu (leaving out the ear-spike).

Name: Pichu
Type: Electric
Species: Tiny Mouse Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m (1′00″)
Weight: 2.0 kg (4.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Pikachu-colored Pichu is a shiny Pichu that has been given to players who pre-ordered tickets for the 12th Pokémon movie in Japan. It is a male in a Cherish Ball, it's at level 30 while holding an Everstone and a Classic Ribbon. It also knows the moves Charge, Volt Tackle, Endure and Endeavor. In North America it was available for download in GameStop from January 30th to February 14th (D/P/Pt). It is now available to download via wi-fi connection in Europe, America, and Australia (until 26th March). If you go to the Ilex Forest Shrine with him in your party (HeartGold/SoulSilver), you'll be able to get a special Pichu. Which one? COME BACK THIS FRIDAY to download it!
Height: 14.4 cm/5.6 in
Width: 17.7 cm/ 6.9 in
Depth: 10.8 cm/4.2 in
No. of Pages: 3
No. of Pieces: 26
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon/Lyrin
Photo: Lyrin
NOTES: The model isn't difficult to build overall. The only challenging parts are the arms and the tiny thumbs. I suggest you to use tweezers for holding the thumbs tabs while they glue. As usual, follow the numbers on the template, and use the .pdo as reference (recommended). A "normal color" texture is included too: I did so in case someone wanted to build a normal Pichu.
Yay! I'm still bugged it's a she, but I simply love Notched ear Pichu!!!
College sucks... 3 tests next week, but I will build this Pichu TODAY!!! Thanks you guys.
What's wrong with her being a she?! Be careful at what you answer!!! ;P
Have fun building her!
YAY!!!I sent an email to you guys about this!!! i'm so happy u guys made it!!!
eh guys, its a nice picu but ive been go to the gamestore(by the way,i come from holland) and that guy said that there is a foul in the game;you cant save so the you cant buy the game. don't worry its only in europe so you can play the game without problems.
I've heard of the problem, but it seems that it only affects Dutch copies of the game. Really, dunno why.
I can tell you that my copy of SoulSilver works fine, and it saves without problems!
Hope the problem will be fixed in Holland too!
I didn't mean anything with my comment! It's just that Chikorita and Gardevoir look like female pokémon for me. Not Pichu, ^^. However, when I saw the printed pouches, she did look more like a she, ^^!
I only started building her, and didn't have time to finish, but she's at least all scored... I'll probably do so in the weekend!
the game is doing well now. Its a nice game.
for some reason i can't print them out (comes up with microsoft word):(
looks like you have a problem with your extensions.
can't really help you with it, you'll have to google it, but try right-clicking the file and selecting "Open file with..." and then selecting either Pepakura Viewer or Acrobat Reader depending on the file.
aww it wont download 4 me :( oh well on 2 da next 1 :)
how does your papercrafts get so roundly??? the ones i have built get so grid!!!
i love this model i just finished it the other day pichu is awesome thanx 4 posting it itz my first papercraft and it came out awesome
Spikey-eared pichu is simply:AWESOME! =3 I LUV PICHU...!
Hoho im gonna make both of them, after i finish my porygon :D
Yup, that is entirely possible. The spike just fits over the end of the ear, so the textures don't affect that at all.
I dont know how to print these...I feel so stupid
Please make a Numel It is my favorite pokemon and i can only print from this website! Please look this comment i really want to make one! Thanks!
how do i make the arms and hands??? D:
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