470 / LEAFEON - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Leafeon
Type: Grass
Species: Verdant Pokémon
Height: 1.0 m (3′03″)
Weight: 25.5 kg (56.2 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Leafeon is a fox-like creature with plant, dog, and cat characteristics. Its body is tan colored. It has one shade of dark brown that is carried out on the tip of its paws, as its eye color, and in the center of the ear. It has sprouts growing all over it, making it look more like a plant. It has a longer sprout of its forehead. Leafeon ears and tail both share a leaf-like quality. Leafeon can use any attack that Eevee knows with the addition of Grass-type attacks. Its leaves are apparently quite sharp since it can learn Leaf Blade, X-Scissor, and other slicing attacks. As a fully-evolved Pokémon, Leafeon can learn Hyper Beam, and Giga Impact. It can also clean the air around it.
Height: 21.9 cm/8.6 in
Width: 11.6 cm/ 4.5 in
Depth: 19.2 cm/7.5 in
Pages: 5
Pieces: 68
Level: Hard
Designer: Brandon/Lyrin
Photo: Lyrin
NOTES: I won't lie to you, this is the most difficult and detailed PP model that I've built so far, so forget about assembling it without the .pdo reference. Follow the numbers and you'll be fine.
Download: A4 / Letter
Name: Leafeon
Type: Grass
Species: Verdant Pokémon
Height: 1.0 m (3′03″)
Weight: 25.5 kg (56.2 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Leafeon is a fox-like creature with plant, dog, and cat characteristics. Its body is tan colored. It has one shade of dark brown that is carried out on the tip of its paws, as its eye color, and in the center of the ear. It has sprouts growing all over it, making it look more like a plant. It has a longer sprout of its forehead. Leafeon ears and tail both share a leaf-like quality. Leafeon can use any attack that Eevee knows with the addition of Grass-type attacks. Its leaves are apparently quite sharp since it can learn Leaf Blade, X-Scissor, and other slicing attacks. As a fully-evolved Pokémon, Leafeon can learn Hyper Beam, and Giga Impact. It can also clean the air around it.
Height: 21.9 cm/8.6 in
Width: 11.6 cm/ 4.5 in
Depth: 19.2 cm/7.5 in
Pages: 5
Pieces: 68
Level: Hard
Designer: Brandon/Lyrin
Photo: Lyrin
NOTES: I won't lie to you, this is the most difficult and detailed PP model that I've built so far, so forget about assembling it without the .pdo reference. Follow the numbers and you'll be fine.
Download: A4 / Letter
OMG i've been waiting for this model for like.... forever! :p looks pretty complex... but im up for a challenge! XD now all i need is rayquaza and i can have all my fave pokemons! ^___^
simply amazing.
OMG so awesome
Hurrah~!! It's out~!! XD
*one step closer to my eeveelution army*
Thankyou so much for this~!!!!11
ive been waiting so long for this! and its my fave pokemon!!!! thnxs so much guys! been waiting 4ever! GREAT JOB!!
i want to make this but when i try to dowload any pof the 5th gens it goes to a page with this weird gibberish
like the links broken
If you save that gibberish (>save page as ...), you can "convert" it into the original download pack by simply editing the suffex from .HTML to .RAR (or .ZIP)
When i try to download the files, it gives me a .rar file that pepakura viewer wont open. how do i solve this?
By reading the FAQ.
I hope Glaceon is finished before I finish building this one, or else my Eeveelution team will be one man- er- fox down.
Ummmm... I don't want to be annoying, but since my question on the torterra page hasn't been answered, I'll ask it here too. Do you think this model, or the torterra one is harder?
@Anon: Both are hard ones to make and both have their own difficulties, but they aren't too hard if you already built some hard models and take time to prepare/figure out how you'll build it before starting.
So Torterra have a hard tree and a complicated shell to close, but Leafeon have complicated leaves and small details.
Ok, thanx!!!
How come leafeon and umbeon not the same size! dont you scale them or somehing...umbreon looks realy big compared to leafeon it just doesnt match.
@Cleoleo : For all the models, we use a base height of 15-20cm. As such, we don't scale the models vs each others, but make 'em to be about the same sizes.
Some are smaller or bigger, depending on the complexity of the models or the taste of the designer.
ok thx it just makes me sad how umbreon looks like the odd ball..../人◕ ‿‿ ◕人\
its actualy 30cm tall...
He's so amazin, the poke and the model, good job guys.
I love it!!!
Wow Leafeon my favourite Pokemon.
I can't seem to download this.
I'm on a Mac, so please do not reply with 'use winrar' or other things resolving programs that are windows-only.
Have you checked the FAQ? It specifies a Mac specific rar program, with links.
Hi there!
I finished part 21 now.
Do you have to glue the tail to the model when you finished the rest, or can I glue it now on the model?
This wasn't *too* hard to build with the PDO. I was kinds worried to build it because you specified it was hard. I only needed help on the head spikes.
I kinda failed on attaching the tail to the body, so I used a toothpick~
So cool! I am going to make her sometime soon. I don't have a colour printer ( means colouring by hand!) and I don't have a PDO reference because I have a mac which means I have to work it out myself, it helps heaps when you number it so thanks!
Pwease make a Sylveon!
Very Beautiful!! :D
But how do you chance the face?? I see the other faces on the texture, but can't find where to chance it...
Thank you!!
you should make a model of the beta art of vaporeon
Thank you for these paper crafts that are so amazing like wow!i am been searching for it a year . And another thanks to give these papercrafts in freee
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