15 October 2010


356 / DUSCLOPS - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Dusclops
Type: Ghost
Species: Beckon Pokémon
Height: 1.6 m (5′03″)
Weight: 30.6 kg (67.5 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Dusclops appear to be Pokémon with a fearsome reputation. But they can be loyal to their trainer to a fault. It is able to absorb anything into its body cavity. However, it is sometimes found with the Kasib Berry. It evolves from Duskull starting at level 37, and evolves into Dusknoir when traded holding a Reaper Cloth.

Height: 17.0 cm/6.7 in
Width: 13.1 cm/ 5.2in
Depth: 14.6 cm/5.7 in
Pages: 5
Pieces: 35
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Skeleman
NOTES: Start at the head, close at the feet. Glue hands directly to the body. Be sure to fold the smoke wisps on the back and head.

Download: A4 / Letter


Luiz Jr. said...

Awesome! I can't wait to make this one.

Anonymous said...
