08 October 2010


461 / WEAVILE - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Weavile
Type: Dark / Ice
Species: Sharp Claw Pokémon
Height: 1.1 m (3′07″)
Weight: 34.0 kg (75 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Weavile's appearance looks like that of a bluish-black bipedal feline, clad in a bright red crown, and collar. Weavile has two tails, instead of three like its pre-evolved form. Unlike its pre-evolved form, there is no gem on its chest, and it has three claws on each paw, as opposed to just two.

Height: 20.0 cm/7.9 in
Width: 15.0 cm/ 5.9 in
Depth: 18.6 cm/ 7.3 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 64
Level: Medium-Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Skeleman
NOTES: Just build from head to feet, attaching arms when possible. Be sure to keep pressure on the tail parts when gluing until they are dry. Also, add a small weight below where the tail parts attach as the head makes it slightly off balance.

Download: A4 / Letter


trash said...

Oh very nice!
Beautiful build too. Is Skeleman a new adition to Paperpokes staff?
If so welcome!

Anonymous said...

meh heh heh... kinda irrelevant, but putting spiritomb on the coming soon list made you guys (and girls!:p) even more awesome!

Anonymous said...

EPICness. :]

Anonymous said...

oh wow! weavile is my favorite pokemon,please make the chibi version of it,you guys are awesome