004 / CHARMANDER - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Charmander
Type: Fire
Species: Lizard Pokémon
Height: 0.6 m (2′00″)
Weight: 8.5 kg (18.7 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Charmander has been described as cute in appearance, but despite this one may have to regard it with caution as its slashing claws are sharp and strong, and thus potentially dangerous.
Height: 18.5 (includes base) cm/ 7.3 in
Width: 18.4 cm/ 7.2 in
Depth: 13.3 cm/ 5.2 in
Pages: 3 + 1 for Base
Pieces: 45 + Base parts
Level: Easy-Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Lyrin
NOTES: Build from the head down, attaching the legs before the tail, and closing at the tip of the tail. Optional base included; does not require it to balance (will balance, but not on its feet) but does require to stand with at least one flat foot.
Download: A4 / Letter

Charmander v1
Awesome model :D It great to see my favourite evolution line done like this, totally revamped. And Charmander is adorable!
It's really nice, I love it. But his teeth are too small, I almost can't fold them :|
you should use some tweasers works for me!
does anybody have any idea how to do the hands? that has me completely lost :\
In the notes it says that one cannot make it stand, but if you use lead fishing weights as a counterweight he will stand on his left foot and the platform isnt needed for him to look and stand perfectly
no instructions? its my firts time doing anything like this, so what are the pieces numbered? Ithink it's great you give the model lined and lineless thanks!
I need some help whit the arms.Can someone tell me how to do it?
Having anot of trouble with harms and hands any pointers ?
thx !
For the arms and instructions, download the Pepakura viewer and open the PDO file you got in the zip folder, there you'll get a detailed numbering of which part goes where. ^^
When i try to open it in pepakura it says "cannot load file of specified type" what do i do about it. It says that with A4 and letter. thx
What's the file extension of the file you're trying to open in Pepakura?
ohh... I found my problem, it was .rar so i got WinRAR and converted it to .zip and it worked fine. i couldnt open it cause it wasnt a .pdo. Thanks, but do you know where or how i can get WinRAR free, i only have 40 days of use before i gotta purchase it. thanks so much, and i have a request, there are already turtwig chibis and i though maybe u could add then to the site. and if u can find a good turtwig that's not a chibi or u could make one i will make it as soon as its out. Thanks for all ya'll's service and i look forward to making more pokemon
The 40 days of use is just a suggested buy-by date, you can actually use it for as long as you want for free. Still, it's a handy program, so it would support rarlabs if you were to buy it.
ohhhhhhhh. THANKYOU SO MUCH FOR TELLING ME THAT *slaps self in the head* i didnt see that. anyway as soon as my dad fixes the printer and connects it to my laptop i will make a charmander. thx guys
hiii i am having a lot of trouble with the neck part and can't find any instructions on how to connect it to the bottom of charmander's mouth...i keep switching with #7 and #8 and they both just don't work...or i'm doing something wrong...help!?
How do u do the hands??
Hi does someone know how to put the mouth please help me on charmander
i don't understand how to do the mouth .......
This is my first ever paperpoke, I would appreciate some feedback on how to do these. Thanks
Hi, first time visiting this site :)
Just wondering, what's the difference between the normal version and the shiny version? Do I have to print the shiny version on special paper?
@Harry no you don't need special paper. It has already been coloured for you to print as a shiny. Cute Charmander guys!
The shiny version is just different color you don't need special paper
I have a problem doing the fire on the tail, is there any other way you could help because I can't open .pdo file
Why aren't there any instructions, or guide at all? Don't get me wrong,the model is neat,but it's very hard to assemble, as there is no guide, and pepakura is too vague, and doesn't how each fold is supposed to look like.. It would be really helpful if you guys added a video, or at least a good amount of pictures, because there is no guide at all.
Use a toothpick
this model is beautiful but it is small and difficult to be assembled because the parts that do not work are the hands, neck and fire, there is please we need a charmander and charmeleon v3
Thank you!
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