005 / CHARMELEON - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Charmeleon
Type: Fire
Species: Flame Pokémon
Height: 1.1 m (3′07″)
Weight: 19.0 kg (41.9 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Charmeleon is a bipedal, reptilian creature similar to Charmander. It has crimson scales that are much darker than that of the bright orange Charmander. It has a tail with the tip burning with fire, a trait seen in many Fire-type Pokémon, especially the Charmander evolutionary line. Its skull has developed a horn-like protrusion to the rear and its mouth has elongated into a snout. Its front and back claws are far sharper and longer than Charmander.
Height: 16.0 cm / 6.3 in
Width: 12.2 cm / 4.8 in
Depth: 15.6 cm / 6.1 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 56
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Lyrin/Brandon
NOTES: Build from head to tail, closing with the tail and plopping flame on.
Download: A4 / Letter

Charmeleon v2
I think everyone is too excited about charizard to give this awesome charmeleon some uber props =3
I think so too :( -pmf
Wow, this is great! (Duh, all of your models are awesome)
this is an awesome charmeleon! XD
Love this pose, it's like a child feeling upset. <3
Is it balanced, or need some weight?
It's actually balanced, doesn't need weight.
Can somebody plzz tell me how 2 put tthis together im a newb :/
@Cory, you'll find all the informations that you need on our faq page. http://paperpokes.blogspot.com/2007/02/frequently-asked-questions.html
ive just made this model and it is the best one ive made so far!it looks great!im having some mega problems with the flame on its tail and i have used the pdo.can somebody tell me an easy way to do it?
I'm having troubles connecting the head to the neck. Can someone help me with this? I've tried the paper with the lines but that doesn't help really. Is there any video instructions showing how the neck and head connect?
how can you make the flame?
2021??? xd
anonimous tienes que saver los patrone s dobleces si es -.- es doblar hacia adentro y i es --- hacia fuera
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