17 October 2011


042 / GOLBAT - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Golbat
Type: Poison/Flying
Species: Bat Pokémon
Height: 1.6 m (5′03″)
Weight: 55.0 kg (121.3 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Golbat has a large mouth with four fangs. It now has a small pair of eyes. Golbat has a short pair of legs that possess only one toe each, and the tails it possessed as a Zubat seem to have disappeared. Golbat's ears are much smaller compared to Zubat's, being triangular in shape and having ear insides that do not appear chambered. Golbat's wings, unlike Zubat, also only have one 'finger' instead of two.

Height: 16.3 cm/ 6.4 in
Width: 30.7 cm/ 12.1 in
Depth: 8.9 cm/ 3.5 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 26
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Follow the numbers, being a bit careful with the way the wings and ears go together. Close at the bottom, and attach the feet. Put a little weight in the tongue to make it stand. Further instructions included in the pack.

Download: A4 / Letter


Anonymous said...

Please tell me tongue is optional

Anonymous said...

are there gonna be regular chibi versions of the pokemons you release? I'LL LOVE YOU IF YOU DO THAT! :">

Anonymous said...

Yes, the tongue is optional.

Anonymous said...

Depends, if you plan on making it stand on the feet it ain't optional, if you plan on hanging it from strings or make it float somehow, it's optional.

Anonymous said...

haha, i love the huge tongue on this model, this made my day!