474 / PORYGON-Z - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Porygon-Z
Type: Normal
Species: Virtual Pokémon
Height: 0.9 m (2′11″)
Weight: 34.0 kg (75.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Porygon-Z is a modification of Porygon2. Porygon-Z appears similar to Porygon2, albeit darker in color. Most notably, its head is detached from the body and upside down, much like Porygon's legs, with no visible neck and yellow eyes with a dartboard pattern. Its bill is more round, and doesn't curve down as it did in its Porygon2 stage. Its legs are now wing-like, and its posture resembles that of a hummingbird. The tail is a little plumper, with the blue pattern on its chest no longer being isolated and now connecting to its legs/wings.
Height: 23.4 cm/ 9.2 in
Width: 21.0 cm/ 8.3 in
Depth: 9.9 cm/ 3.9 in
Pages: 3
Pieces: 31
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Toshi
NOTES: Build from the head down, closing each piece at the bottom. Be creative when combining all the parts; suggestings are strings, toothpicks, a marrionette, or even just laying them out flat.
Download: A4 / Letter
How do you stick the head so it doesn't show it is stuck over the piece it usually sticks to bt dosen't stick to Porygon-Z
Top right: Disco Porygon-Z
Maybe it's just a coincidence, but it's almost as if the Porygon evolutionary stages are clues to the next generation of Nintendo handhelds. Porygon wasn't really possible graphics-wise in the original GameBoy (either Pocket or Color), with the limited color palette; Porygon-2 didn't have a genuinely smooth surface until GBA/DS; and Porygon-Z (the most "3D" of the family) couldn't actually be 3D until the 3DS.
How on earth can I make the head "float"?
@Jon Dep i think they hung it by a string or something.
Dear Paperpokes,
The chest on Porygon Z in the picture is upside down....
i see other eye images in the texture image. but how do i get them?
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