06 April 2012


35 / JOLTEON CHIBI - Pokémon Papercraft
Type: Electric
Species: Lightning Pokémon
Height: 0.8 m (8′08″)
Weight: 24.5 kg (54.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Jolteon's cells generate a low level of electricity. This power is amplified by the static electricity of its fur, enabling the Pokémon to drop thunderbolts. The bristling fur is made of electrically charged needles. Jolteon is the only Eevee evolution without a tail. Oddly, it can still learn Tail Whip and Iron Tail. It evolves from Eevee via Thunderstone.

Height: 7.5 cm/3 in
Width: 6.2 cm /2.4 in
Depth: 6.1 cm/2.4 in
No. of Pages: 1
No. of Pieces: 20
Level: Medium
Designer: Lyrin
Photo: Lyrin
NOTES: Follow the numbers on the template while building. The only pieces that need to be folded are the neck white spikes. Start with the head and close it at the bottom. Build the legs and then go upwards, till you close the body at the "neck". Build the neck fur, then put it in its place and glue the head onto the body, then glue the ears. Glue the remaining yellow fur on the face and butt.

Download: A4 / LetterInserisci link


Anonymous said...

It's so cute!
So are you guys doing Pokemon on Mondays and ChibiPokes on Fridays or is this an Easter event?
Thank you for these amazing models!

Lyrin said...

Regular pokés always come on Mondays, while we keep Fridays for specials. Since I had these chibies ready for a long time I thought they might fit these Fridays nicely ;D .
Expect two more chibi Fridays...

Lyrin said...

Regular pokés always come on Mondays, while we keep Fridays for specials. Since I had these chibies ready for a long time I thought they might fit these Fridays nicely ;D .
Expect two more chibi Fridays...

Anonymous said...

Auss-ome. Simply Auss-ome.

Helena said...

Will more eeveeloutions follow up these two amazing ones? : D im addicted!

Christian said...

i love eveelutions

Anonymous said...

Please make eevee and the other eeveelutons! I need to have a eeveelution family!

Anonymous said...

i dont know how to connect the body with the legs

Unknown said...

I think this is super cute and I want do do this! Does anyone know what is necessary to print it though? Its downloading but says I don't have the software to open it.

Bayleaf said...

Nice! On my moms phone, it says I need to get it using Yahoo mail, and none of us have an Yahoo mail account only Google and hotmail. And our computer is broken. What can I do? Or can you make a new link for this? I would be highly great full for that!! And I REALLY love your paper crafts SOO much!! I'm a huge fan!!

Brandon said...

If it's directing you to yahoo mail, then you have Yahoo mail set as the default to handle rar files. You need to set a different program, like Winrar, as the default.

Lucas said...

Im having trouble knowing how and where to connect the tail... Could anyone enlighten me?