20 August 2013


014 / KAKUNA - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Kakuna
Type: Bug/Poison
Species: Cocoon Pokémon
Height: 0.6 m (2′00″)
Weight: 10.0 kg (22.0 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Kakuna remains virtually immobile and waits for evolution often hanging from tree branches by long strands of silk. When attacked, however, it can extend its poison barbs. Kakuna nests in forests and misty wooded areas. Occasionally, it will also nest at the mouths of tunnels and caves as seen in Pokémon Snap.

Height: 13.6 cm / 5.4 in
Width: 7.8 cm / 3.1 in
Depth: 7.6 cm / 3 in
Pages: 3
Pieces: 19
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Toshi
NOTES: Build from the top down, being careful with the thinner 'ridges'. Close at the bottom piece. Be sure the segmented parts attach in the correct order. Follow the colored markings for connecting the separate body segments. Attach pieces 18-19 to the body at the end. If you want to hang Kakuna up, attach a string in between pieces 1 and 2, to give a 'stringshot' effect.

Download: A4 / Letter


Anonymous said...

My friend hates Kakuna...but this is awesome!
I'm gonna make my friend a Kakuna craft and put it in her room :P

Anonymous said...

Yup, this is better.

O. said...

I prefer this one to his evolution, too much afraid of wasps ^^'
Thank you for your hard work !