22 November 2008

GENGAR (Version 2) - Pokémon Papercraft

094 / GENGAR (Version 2) - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Gengar
Type: Ghost / Poison
Species: Shadow Pokémon
Height: 4′11″ (1.5m)
Weight: 89.3 lbs. (40.5kg)
Interesting Facts: Gengar lurks in the shadows, and it is said that hiding near by, its presence can cool the air temperature of the immediate surrounding area by 10°F. It evolves from Haunter by trade. It is the final form of Gastly.

Height: 17.5 cm/6.9 in
Width: 15.5 cm/6.1 in
Depth: 15 cm/5.9 in
No. of Pages: 6
Level: Medium
Designer: Pixel-Kakashi and Skelekitty
Photo: Skelekitty
NOTES: This model is not the previously released Pixel-Kakashi version. It is a smaller, more condensed version. Start at with the spikes on it's back, work your way to the face, tummy, arms, legs and close at the tail.

Download: A4 / Letter


Anonymous said...

Where do I find the older version?

Anonymous said...

I'm not sure why you would want an older version of anything, since a newer version generally means new and improved. But if you must, you can find it here:


Anonymous said...

The eyes are too close to the mouth.

Brandon said...

Yeah, they do look a bit close. Can check with Pixel-Kakashi and see if he still has the files.... If not, I guess it could probably be redone.

Anonymous said...

Cant see the lines in the color.

Anonymous said...

yet another perfect papercraft thanks for all your hard work, this is my second favorite pokemon =]

Anonymous said...

do i need t o put a penny or something in its feet before i close it?

Cecilia said...

My first papercraft from the website and it turned out great! Loved it!

Cameron said...

Made this for my friend, took unto 12 hours. I advise everyone to start with the back spikes, I left this till last and it looked crap, but it still got the shape :)

Anonymous said...

Are there any guides on building this? I'm having trouble figuring out the back.