094 / GENGAR (Version 2) - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Gengar
Type: Ghost / Poison
Species: Shadow Pokémon
Height: 4′11″ (1.5m)
Weight: 89.3 lbs. (40.5kg)
Interesting Facts: Gengar lurks in the shadows, and it is said that hiding near by, its presence can cool the air temperature of the immediate surrounding area by 10°F. It evolves from Haunter by trade. It is the final form of Gastly.
Height: 17.5 cm/6.9 in
Width: 15.5 cm/6.1 in
Depth: 15 cm/5.9 in
No. of Pages: 6
Level: Medium
Designer: Pixel-Kakashi and Skelekitty
Photo: Skelekitty
NOTES: This model is not the previously released Pixel-Kakashi version. It is a smaller, more condensed version. Start at with the spikes on it's back, work your way to the face, tummy, arms, legs and close at the tail.
Download: A4 / Letter
Where do I find the older version?
I'm not sure why you would want an older version of anything, since a newer version generally means new and improved. But if you must, you can find it here:
The eyes are too close to the mouth.
Yeah, they do look a bit close. Can check with Pixel-Kakashi and see if he still has the files.... If not, I guess it could probably be redone.
Cant see the lines in the color.
yet another perfect papercraft thanks for all your hard work, this is my second favorite pokemon =]
do i need t o put a penny or something in its feet before i close it?
My first papercraft from the website and it turned out great! Loved it!
Made this for my friend, took unto 12 hours. I advise everyone to start with the back spikes, I left this till last and it looked crap, but it still got the shape :)
Are there any guides on building this? I'm having trouble figuring out the back.
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