Enjoy and have a great weekend people :)

Name: Jirachi
Type: Steel, Psychic
Species: Wish Pokémon
Height: 30 cm (1′00″)
Weight: 1 kg (2.4 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Jirachi is awake only for seven days every 1,000 years when a voice of purity sings to it. Legend states that Jirachi will make true any wish that is written on notes attached to its head when it awakens. If it senses danger, it will fight without awakening.
Height: 20.3 cm/7.9 in
Width: 24.2 cm/9.5 in
Depth: 20.3 cm/7.9 in
No. of Pages: 5
No. of Pieces: 51
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon / PMF
Builder: Paperbuff
NOTES: Building tips are included in the template. Jirachi's wish ribbon strips are blank so you may write down your own wishes. The download pack includes textures for Jirachi's various smiles. It also includes optional 3rd Gen type wings that may be used instead of the streamers.
Woah! Thank you very much! =)
OOOOOOOO wooaa! Jirachi is one, I was looking for a long time, including just yesterday I remember seeing the movie Jirachi Wish Maker, I appreciate a lot, thank you very much for the post, it is appreciated a thousand times ...
Thank you soooo much!
I wonder... what Paperbuff wished for :)
Me wished for health, success and happiness. :)
For me to know... and you to find out?! =D
Wisdom, a Fighting Spirit, and well... I couldn't find the Kanji symbol for lifetime supply of cheesecake so I wished for Compassion instead. :P
I don't get the pdf files for jirachi to work.. :/ It worked on the other paperpokes I downloaded :S I'm gonna try a little more. Thanks ^_^
Btw.. What program shall I open the pdo files in? It's no respond from my mac : p
I tried opening the PDF files and they work for me. Try downloading it again.
Unfortunately, Mac users are out of luck when it comes to opening PDO files. It opens using Pepakura Designer or Pepakura Viewer which is available only for Windows.
Oh, I see. Well, then can I use my windows XD I have tried to dowload it four times. It won't work.. :S I can try that on my windows too I guess.. :)
Thank you so much for answering my question^_^
The PDF files seem to be broken for me as well :(
Tried downloading both the A4 and letter versions a few times, and neither work.
I think the problem might be that you don't have the latest version of Acrobat Reader. You can get the latest version from here: http://get.adobe.com/reader/
soo cute ^^ but I gave up on her fingers x.x even after staring at the pdo I can't get em right xD thx for this craft guys! i'm giving it to someone i like as a present ;D
im not to sure how to build the hand, what are the green and red lines?
when I try to open the .pdo files, it just keep opening and closing! I don't really like .pdf can someone fix it? or tell me how?
You probably installed Pepakura Designer instead of Pepakura Viewer.
How can I set it so that Jirachi's third eye is open? by the way awesome pokecraftsXD
You couldn't before, but now a texture pack has been added just below the original dl links for the third eye.
What a wonderful website! It helped me make my first papercraft, a Poochyena. Now I am going to make this Jirachi, who's my favorite pokemon. I'm printing the layout on slightly shimmery cardstock (the color is described as "arctic snow cool metallic"). The colored ink from the printer allows the shiny nature of the paper glimmer through! I hope it comes out as good as I imagine it to be so far!
are the streamers strong enough to keep it stand??
depending on the type of paper and the way you fold them, they can be used to help it stand. but keep in mind that it's not very strong tho.
I printed this out. Jirachi wasn't white but had a dark blue body
Jirachi is supposed to have a slight blue tint which we added to the texture.
Since each printer doesn't work the same, some might printer darker than others.
You could try the shiny one or change the color on the texture file if you can. see our faq for more info on that.
I'm normally fine with these things, but I can't get my Pepakura Viewer to change the template so that I can have the open mouth like the one in the picture. I also want it to work with the unlined pdo but I can't remember if there is one or not. Jirachi's the next one I'm building, so PLEASE help me with this. (or else you guys will have left a young Aussie girl upset.)
You should be able to go to Other Settings: Texture Settings and change the mouth there. All you have to do is find the texture layer that goes with the mouth, and load in the different one. Other Settings is also where you can change the settings for the lines; under Printing Preferences, you can adjust the transparency of the lines to be zero. If that all doesn't work, I can just upload a lineless pdo with the texture changed later.
Jirachi A4 Mouth
That should work, if you hadn't got it already.
Thanks so much Brandon!!!! Whenever I tried with the other ones, it would put the mouth on the eyes. Then when I would hit Reset Texture the whole thing except the areas around the eyes would go grey and nothing would work. This pdo has made me very happy!! THANK YOU!!!
I Cant Do The Fingers, The Pepakura viewer wont zoom in so i dont know how to do it please help
I also can't do the fingers, PLEASE HELP! - I printed line less and didn't get the 3D viewer, but other then that I'm essentially done. This is my first papercraft.
D'aaaww! <3 Jirachi is so cute!
I can't work the hands of Jirachi out. Can anyone show me how to make Jirachi's fingers correctly? I'm stuck with the thumbs and they look weird... Please I need instructions.
I want to download the template for Jirachi but it says file unavailable.
Can you tell me how can I get it?
I really need the template because I want to make one for my Friend's BD.
What's the issue? Things seem to be working just fine from this end.
When i try to download it, the page doesn't load.. A4 or Letter none of them.
It won't be another page loading. It would just download the file to your downloads. Do you have this issue with any other files from any other posts?
Is there any way to get the instructions? I’m afraid people might get the same issue.
If able to use the PDO in Pepakura, that's the best bet for being able to navigate the model pretty well in real time. Once working with the pdo in Pepakura, you can see how each piece connects, how lines fold, and where the pieces line up with the model
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