026 / RAICHU - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Raichu
Type: Electric
Species: Mouse Pokémon
Height: 0.63 m (2'07")
Weight: 29.98 kg (66.1 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Although Raichu is quite small, it is capable of storing over 100,000 volts of electricity in its body. Raichu is much more aggressive than Pikachu, especially if it has stored too much electricity in its body. It needs to constantly discharge this electricity through its tail into the ground, and will electrocute objects, people, and Pokémon until its electricity level is back to normal.
Height: 25.0 cm/9.84 in
Width: 19.4 cm/ 7.64 in
Depth: 17.6 cm/6.93 in
No. of Pages: 7
No. of Pieces: 56
Level: Hard
Designer: Brandon and Skelekitty
Photo: Skelekitty
NOTES: The ears and tail are the tricky parts of this model. The ear curl must be glued together and cut out before the ear is constructed. The tail should be made and attached before the main body is closed up. Start at the base of the tail, and build each section before inserting it, with a generous amount of glue, into the previous part. Remember to wait for that section to cure (dry) completely before moving on to the next piece. And as a bonus, we are also including a surprise :o version of Raichu in this pack!
Wow this raichu is fantastic, espactacular, it seems like the raichu of pokémon stadium, thanks for posting it, and some day please can post a Mewtwo like the Mewtwo of Pokémon Stadium, thanks very much...
Do we have to insert a counterweight into the belly? Or does it balance on it's own?
Since Raichu has such big feet, it will stand.
yes my favourite pokemon is a papercraft
you guys have the best papercrafts ever
I made this and my dog ended up destroying it, great papercraft though
how do u get its tail to stay up? mine keeps falling down
You'll need to either use stong glue or add a good amount and keep the tail in place (either by holding it or by using object to keep it in place) until it dry up.
um how do you get the paper to make the pokemon?
You buy it. Most office supply stores like Staples have thicker paper if you want the final product to be more sturdy, but you could use regular printer paper as well.
is the paper you buy at the store the kind with the color? so it actually looks like the pokemon?
No, you buy blank paper and print it. Read the FAQ for more info.
I really want to make this and when I tried to open manual (is it a manual? It's the one between the paint documents and the ones with the actual cut-outs on, I'm using Adobe Reader) it said I had to choose a program, and it was the wrong one and it ticked the 'always use this program when using this type of file' and now I can't open it properly, do I need it or is it just part of the download. I can easily open the cut-outs documents and paint folders easily as well and this happens with whatever PaperPoke I use.
To open the pdo file (I believe that's the file you're referring to) you need Pepakura Viewer, an entirely different program. Links to the Viewer and information about it can be found here. Viewer will also open the pdos for every other Poke as well.
Yes, that's the one and thank you, it's all sorted itself out now, as soon as I make it I will inform you on my result.
whoo!!! awesome.
Hi how do you assemble raichu's tail
can you make them bigger, like the size of a bookbag or something
Hey there,
Can flexible, colored wire (the type wrapped in a smooth, sheath shielding) be used
for anatomy like Raichu's or Mew's tail?
Thank you in advance for validating the feasibility of this idea.
Yup, you could certainly try it. I've used pipe cleaner in builds before for tendrils and such, and it worked pretty well.
Brandon you're so talented, this Raichu is completely on point, just like the Pokemon Stadium one. I agree with the first guy that you could make an awesome Mewtwo similar to the one in stadium as well.
raichu is my favorite Pokemon. My daughter love this charter more then me.:)
Have you ever played Raichu Ride? It is really wonderful game.
This the the Pokemon I like best. Although it is not the best, I like playing Pokemon Games with Raichu
Is it possible to start the tail from the bolt to the base? I think it would be much easier
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