059 / ARCANINE - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Arcanine
Type: Fire
Species: Legendary Pokémon
Height: 1.8 m (6'03")
Weight: 155.0 kg (341.7 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Arcanine is a canine-like Pokémon that resembles the mythical Ryukyuan Shisa (a cross between a lion and a dog). They are known for their Wisdom and loyalty, Arcanine are a prized Pokémon. It is the only Pokémon with a stat total of 555. They evolve from Growlith via Fire Stone.
Height: 18.0 cm/7.1 in
Width: 12.5 cm/ 4.9 in
Depth: 23.6 cm/9.3 in
No. of Pages: 7
No. of Pieces: 73
Level: Hard
Designer: POdragon
Photo: POdragon
NOTES: This model is VERY hard, due to it's complex geometry. You will definitely need to refer to the .PDO while building it. Be careful not to loose the tiny little parts, such as the teeth.
finally my favourite pokemon is a papercraft
Thanks POdragon!!
I've never been very fond of Arcanine, but this model is great! Arcanine on pokemon stadium 2 was weird, but this model pose is very cool.
Thanks for the amazing work guys!
Wow!! This model it's amazing. Great Job. Please Let it Be Articuno for tomorrow Please!!!
Absol, then Gallade and now Arcanine? ; w ; you guys are going to kill me from all the joy!! ♥
Now I only need Riolu/Milotic to melt and thank you forever > w<
Amazing work, POdragon!!
please make milotic, is my favourite pokemon pl0x!!!111oneoneone
well, it's not that hard, but it demands time and being patient. I've just finished building it :D
is this model actually life size?
@ Zach
Not unless Arcanine is 180 cm tall.
wait......he is.....this thing is life size!?!?!?! why do i get the impression that its not though?
lol! no, he is not life sized :)
awwww i love arcanine `thnx for making it!! :D Do you think that you could make a ninetales to go with it plz because they are my two favorite fire types!! :D
When I was a kid, my biggest dream was to ride on an arcanine.. Even now is one of those "platonic dreams" I'll have to live with.. But.. Seems like, at least, I can have one in my bedroom. Thanks guys :D
Arcanine is AWESOME!!!!!I finished makin it. It's sooo cool. I love arcanine<3. My favourite pokemon!!! X3
Thanks POdragon... I'll be making more pokemons especially the firetypes.
Is there a way I can print a larger version of this? I would like it to be like an Arcanine that is at least 2x bigger than this.
hello, please i need your help. I could not make Arcanine, her hair is complicated, please I need a guide or some pictures of your head, please my email is lulioneitor@hotmail.com, I need your support, thanks and very good model
Hi! I was wondering... I like to stick to the medium crafts, so I just wanted to know if this model is hard because it takes to long to build or if it is just hard to glue and assemble, 'cause I want to make this some day...
Also, once you're done with the head, is the rest of it not to hard? or is the whole thing hard? sorry I ask too many questions...
At the comment above me: for me the most difficult part was his mane on the back of his head. once you get that part done, the rest is pretty much straight forward i just finished this and it is looking great next to my piano!
tks! its beautiful =D
Fist time building a papercraft model, and I chose this. Managed it in 2 days(about 12 hours). Complex, but not impossible; it was a great challenge, I'm glad I made it.Thank you for this Arcanine; it's beautiful!!
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