07 June 2010


282 / GARDEVOIR - Pokémon Papercraft
Type: Psychic/Fairy
Species: Embrace Pokémon
Height: 1.6 m (5'03″)
Weight: 48.4 kg (106.7 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Gardevoir can sense the feelings of people and other Pokémon. It is also able to see the future clearly. Gardevoir has the psychokinetic power to distort the dimensions and create a small black hole, in order to protect its Trainer. Apparently, Gardevoir does not feel the pull of gravity because it supports itself with psychic power. It also has the power to teleport.

Height: 22 cm/8.7 in
Width: 30.6 cm/ 12 in
Depth: 12.7 cm/5 in
No. of Pages: 4
No. of Pieces: 37
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Carnilmo
NOTES: Build from top to bottom, attaching the two dress pieces after each part is complete.
Try not to fold the skirts too much, otherwise it may not stand. Something stronger than printer paper is especially recommended, also for added stability.

Download: A4 / Letter


Mattwasx said...

Thought the "coming soon" went in order, was hoping to start a nice venusaur model tomarrow. Well w/e guess I'll have to wait a little. Glad to see your putting out a blastoise and leafeon model soon. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

hi brandon

are there also plans for a charizard for paperpokés in the near future? (say about 2 months) cuz i really want to have the evolved starters trio form gen 1 :)


Anonymous said...

Wow I love this model ;)
However, I can't download this model can you change the file?

Pyritie said...

@Anon: google "WinRAR" and download and install it.

dodoman75 said...

the a4 is not right, if you download it there will be an error

Anonymous said...

I've already seen a Charizard and a Blastoise model...I wonder if It'll be those two.
Actually, wasn't Blastoise on HERE already?
Maybe I imagined it.

Any way, thanks for making one of my favorite pokemon.
My all time favorites include: Articuno, Lugia, Gardevoir, and Giratina.

Anonymous said...

oh! this one looks easy! :D
well... i tried with making an igglybuff before but it totally crashed

im just started making papercraft and i really luve making pokemons :D

(sorry for languase errors)

Brandon said...

Also, I just downloaded the A4 file- there doesn't seem to be any problem with it.

Christina said...

I've been following this blog for a long while and greatly enjoyed making my own paper pokes! So I featured your blog for the Versatile Blogger Award! http://www.umeorigami.com/blog/2010/6/7/versatile-blogger-award.html

Please keep up the wonderful work and I cannot wait to see what you come up with next!

PMF said...

Thanks for the "Award" Christina, but we set some limits on what we can post and as such we can't pass the award on it. I'll try to make you a short list and post it in this comment later tho ;P

Kupo said...

Wonderful work guys! The model is great, and the picture is lovely! Great job on it Brandon and Carnilmo!:D

Unknown said...

hey great model my first 2 and only 2 papercrafts so far are pichu and espeon and i was planing to make togepi and gardevoir next do you think i should hold off on them and practice more



You never know what your potential may be until you reach up and give things a try.

Anonymous said...

Wow.I find this model amazing since gardevoir is one of my personal favorites.I cant wait to see the new models.
But...do you guys have any tips on how to make the horns on its face?I just cant seem to get them right.

Kupo said...

Are you guys letting other testbuilders onto the team now?

Brandon said...

We're choosing others that we think are suitable, yes.

Christina said...

PMF -- No worries. Just keep doing what you are doing. Looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with next :)

Anonymous said...

Wow! This is an awesome and pretty model!! But doesn't Gardevoir actually have "feet" ???

Anonymous said...

Oops, I've saw the "legs" (or I said "feet" last time)
now. So this is PERFECT!

MelMano said...

I'm trying it right now, have to say it's a pretty good model, but the hands and horns are really hard. I didn't manage to glue every tab on the horns, but it's holding up. I'm using printer paper, so I don't know if it will stand up once I finish it.

Anyhow, thanks for the great model !

Unknown said...

Am I the only one who thinks the limbs look... Off? I don't know what it is, but it might be the lack of a clearly defined elbow joint and the bulbous bulging and tapering of the legs, but I kinda wish I had swapped the arms and legs with those from the other gardevoir papercraft floating around online.

Great work, just not the best you've done- I'd probably give it a 3.5 of 5. I'm still definitely looking forward to seeing more from everyone here at Paperpokés!

Anonymous said...

Seems like its elbows are thinner than showed here and eyes are not showing such angry expression. This model is not as elegant as the original character. Moreover, it's kind of scary.
3/5. Great as a standalone model, but clearly loses to original character and many other papercrafts.

Sorry for any grammar mistakes~

TheyCallMeKorn said...

Yay, my favorite Pokemon ever, and I've got it built now. Too bad I messed up a major portion, oh well. Thank you Brandon for the build.


Anonymous said...

Would you be the best person ever and make ralts and kirlia, I wanna make the whole evolution set, their my absolute favorites!

Alfonso said...

Very awesome paper model of my favorite Pokemon! :D

Unknown said...

Are there any directions on how to construct this? I'm having a bit of trouble. If there are directions, can someone please tell me how to get them? Thank you =)