133 / EEVEE - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Eevee
Type: Normal
Species: Evolution Pokémon
Height: 0.3 m (1′0″)
Weight: 6.5 kg (14.3 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Eevee has an irregular genetic code and can sometimes evolve in accordance to its environment. Seven evolutions for this Pokémon have been discovered so far. Three of these evolutions are the result of Eevee being exposed to either a Fire Stone, Thunderstone or Water Stone. Two more of the evolutions involve maximum affection with the Trainer and accordance to the time of day. The final two evolutions are the result of training in two specific areas, Eterna Forest and Route 217.
Height: 15.0 cm/ 5.9 in
Width: 18.8 cm/ 7.5 in
Depth: 18.2 cm/ 6.9 in
Pages: 5
Pieces: 31
Level: Easy-Medium
Designer: PMF
Photo: Toshi
NOTES: Build from head to tail, closing at the tip of the tail. Be careful with the fur around the neck, as it is a little tricky.
Download: A4 / Letter
I shall now build an army of Eevees to rule the world! Or at least rescue some trapped pokemon. Can't wait to build her! Thanks for the awesome template ^^
Looks cute with the ribbon!
Aand another step forward for mah eeveelution army~~ Huzzah!
Many thanks for the template~
Thank you so much, I've been waiting forever for this and it's AWESOME! Great job Paperpokes Team!!!
I can't breath, I am breathing too fast, I can't breath, OMG, so cute, so cute, OMG, I can't wait to take her home, OMG,OMG
Thank you
Thank youThankyouthankyouthingyou
OMG she is just so cuuuute!!!!!!!!!!
its so cute! where'd u get the ribbon? cause this really makes eevee look nice :D awesome job guys!
ah yes, even with the normal scarf on too lol
ive been waiting 4 this for forever 2. i hope theres gunna b a life size
do u guys use card to build your models or do u use like normal thin paper? cause this model looks like card....
@leaf: we use both, depending on the model and who's building it.
thank you thank you thank you its wonderful !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^-^ eeveeeeee!
Awwww my favourite pokemon! (PS you just got yourself a new follower ;D ;D)
y cant i get any of da new onesdo i need diffrent links for all of them??
What exactly do you mean? It sounds as though it could be an issue with your internet browser. If you're using Internet Explorer, try an alternate browser such as Firefox.
what program should I use to view the file?
Please refer to our FAQ page (Top Right)
i can't make the fur around the neck!!! :'(
I don't understand the neck fur. The pointed bit that has a sort of diamond shape, WHERE on EARTH does it go?
I tried to download the Letter first, and it didn't work, so I downloaded the A4(?) and it still didn't work. Is this where I switch browsers? Cause it worked for Vulpix, but that had too many pieces....
There must be some sort of trick for the neck fur. I can't figure out which pieces go where at all. Help?
I'm the one that said Vulpix had too many pieces. (comment above)
I figured out why only Vulpix and the Egg worked, they were in the zipped folders while Eevee and Cyndaquil aren't. Why is it that only some are in those folders?
Rar files have better compression (smaller files). To open them you need Winrar, which is stated in the FAQ.
How do you do the neck fur D:
Eevee, I choose you!
Muchas gracias...
hey, because Im so not good with computers - what is a RAR file? and why cant i download it like a picture? Im scared to download anything coz of viruses etc, which has happened on other websires. Is there an easier way to download it? thanks!
A rar file is just an archive (like a folder) similar to a zip. You can save it the same you would a picture, but to open it you need to use Winrar. You can check the FAQ for more details. It's not a virus, but if you still don't want to run the risk, it is your choice. But that's the only way to download it.
Aww~ So cute <3 Thank you!
I'm an Eevee type user so this is ultimate to me!She shall be mine!
When I try to download the thing it does not work :(
Chibi Eevee and Eeveelutions please!!!!!!! :D
Chibi Eevee please!
is this model a good one to start with if you've never done a model before?
i really wanna do one, and i want to start with an easy (cute) one...
the collar is a bit hard to build, so you have to be careful doing it. the rest is easy, but as always, you'll need Pepakura Viewer to get the instructions. read FAQ for more info.
Can you make chibis for the eeveelutions?
I'm sorry but when I tried opening it with adobe reader it didn't work. :(
Eevee is my most beloved pokemon in the world!
I'm trying SO hard to do the fur and I just can't... Do you have any instructions???
can anyone upload a "how to" video of this. more specifically for the fur?
I've created the head successfully, what order would you recommend building the fur and attaching it?
I have a question. In my Pepakura Viewer it shows an Eevee piece of the head to the far left in the grey area I click on the piece and it shows it as part of going under the hair. And its number ID 246, 247, and 248 are shown to connect to the hair. Is that suppose to be there? Cause that piece did not print out of adobe nor is it shown on the paper of the view.
the fur/collar is really hard, so I suggest to open the template in Pepakura viewer to help you with it.
start on the front part, and build left and right parts until you close it at the back.
also, the part in the grey zone is not useful to build the model so it shouldnt be printed. just overlook it and add the hair piece on it instead.
Oh my gosh! I love Eevee but this one was a pain! I started with the head and worked my way back! Now my tail is all half connected! help?
So far i have made Magnemite, Luvdisc, chibi Leafeon, Chibi Vulpix, and this eevee. THIS WAS THE HARDEST BUT THE MOST WORTH IT!!! I named it Shane and i will put a ribbon on it with the name written in sharpie. I think i will make another... Thanks guys. (hmm maybe i should give the next one to my little sister. nahh i will make her a growlithe, the first pokemon she has ever battled with)
Hey paperpokes team! I wanna make another Eevee but i wanna lifesize it.(I know that sounds weird and impossible but i want to SO BADLY and I know I can) You guys said that you lock your models so no editing can be done. Is there a way I can edit this? PLEASE!
With what Anna said, I personally think you guys should unlock the .pdo files cause I'm one to edit those files (just a bit) to my own preference but only as far as sizing and overflow paint and it's frustrating coming across locked .pdo files.
Sorry, we don't release unlocked files because some poeple have a tendency to steal our models, take credit themselves for them, and then try and sell them. Sometimes it happens even when they're locked, but locking them prevents a good bulk of it from happening.
tl;dr Some people have a way of ruining it for everyone
It is really cute and cool but when i tried downloading it it was downloaded in a format that my laptop won't recognize so I can't print it
Please help
Hi love these but how do u download the templates i need the letter format and im not good with html codes.......what do i do to download and print them? Btw i have a mac
Ok it works now, but its SOO cute. I made a shiny Eevee. Its only a matter of time until i start mah pokemon journey :3
Im stuck with trhe fur part, can someone please help me?
I am so mad!!! Eevee is my favorite pokemon and I can't build the model!!!!!!! You could have made it so much easier but NO!!!! I can't build anything past the fur!!!! Who agrees?
I know how you feel! the mane is hard ( I am doing eevee at the moment) What I would do in your position is fold every single last fold line. Make sure they are crisp folds if you know what I mean. I hope I helped! I love all the Eeveelutions! The are all so adorable and cute! I would like to make all of them! Hopefully Sylveon is soon!
It is very difficult to finish the fur part. Where I can find a eevee's PDO file?
Hello! Can someone help me? I donload it and then use WinRAR to open the file, but when I try to open it at Pepakura it says that "This file is not supported in this application. Too newer version. We recommend you to upgrade the application." Does this means I have to get another v. of Pepakura? Help please!
i have tryed to make it but it sems imposseble can someone help me?
i have tryed to make it but it sems imposseble can someone help me?
Hello, I don't know if you're reading comments anymore, but I have a question. On both the A4 and the Letter download, when I load it into Pepakura, there is a floating piece right next to the cover page. And it won't let me print it because of that. I have had no problems with any of your other models so far, but when I tried printing it, only the numbers showed up, and not any of the pieces. Can someone please help?
Same. Have to finish this for tomorrow hehe. Is there so way for a tutorial for the fur?
just yea its awsome
I can't open the .pdo file. Can anyone recommend apps to do so?
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