26 November 2010


492 / SHAYMIN - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Shaymin Land Form
Type: Grass
Species: Gratitude Pokémon
Height: 0.2 m (0′08″)
Weight: 5.2 kg (11.5 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Shaymin have a habitual trait called "Flower Bearing." Each season, Shaymin gather in a flower field somewhere and migrate from there. This behavior is called Flower Carrying because a new field of flowers grow where they land. Shaymin are also attracted to areas where there is a lot of gratitude. Their personalities are almost opposite with each form — Land Forme is shy and easily scared, while Sky Forme is courageous and playful.

Height: 10.2 cm/ 6.3 in
Width: 11.9 cm/ 8.7 in
Depth: 12.1 cm/5.2 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 34
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: PMF
NOTES: Shaymin is quite easy. Start by building the face and the legs. Then build the body starting at the face and closing at the top back of the model. After that, you build the 4 layers of leaves, the biggest one is glued on the body, then the 3 others are glued from the biggest to the smallest with a little square between each. Finally, cut the flowers and the leaves and glue them at the sides.

Download: A4 / Letter


Anonymous said...

okay. i know there's no way i could do better than that and i know you guys have probably spent ages on this, but the layers make shaymin look kind of funky. couldn't you make it with sticking up kind of leaves like a porcupine's spikes as oposed to layering the leaves?

Bethie said...

Working on this now. So cute! Can't wait till its done!

Vargaschild said...

It looks amazing :D

The leaves are a tad bit akward, and fluffed up, but either way, it looks very fun and amazing! :)

Anonymous said...


nice model im building it
but can you make the size bigger

Bunny Kawaii said...

I think you should update the choose by gen page with shaymin... Just wondering because when i was on the page I couldn't click on Shaymin.

BradleyDS1 said...

mine was half done until it got soacked and ripped. I will not try to make this one again for a while :)

Anonymous said...

What Is The Difference Between The A4 Download And The Letter Dowwnload? And How Do I Make It.. It's Somewhat Difficult For Me...

Brandon said...

Each is scaled to a different kind of paper. Letter is mostly used in the USA, and A4 is used pretty much everywhere else. Just cut out the pieces, match up the tabs with where they glue, and glue it together.

Google searching 'papercraft tutorials' may help, some of them get considerably more in depth than my simple explanation.

Anonymous said...

I really wish i could download this and make it because shaymin is just so cute but i cant download any of the ones on 4 and 5):

Kelly said...

Thank you! This is going to be my first one made! I think it's simple and great for beginners! :D

randomacountboy said...

awww! so cute it'll be a perfect addition to my hedgehog collection. sad, but the reason i have a collection is because i had a hedgehog who died from nemonia. :-(

hi123 said...

8O I LOVE SHAYMIN!!!!!! He is so cute! I'm am very grateful you made this paper craft because Shaymin is my favorite Pokemon! Right now I am working on it. I love PaperPokes!

Anonymous said...

Hey, my leaves that go on top don't hug the body like on the body like in the picture, but instead hang over the edge like a goofy hat... :( but I think I can glue it to the body a little different...


yeah, moving it just a little might help.

it a good idea with models like that one to pose the pieces first to see how it would look and then glue them to the body.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand how to put the "body" pieces together. Can someone please help please?

Anonymous said...

PLEASE make more gen 4 legendaries. Especially Dialga and Arceus. 2 of my favorites!!!

JohnR said...

Hate to be "that guy" but couldn't it have been full sized? the real Shaymin is only 8 inches tall, and this one is 6.3 inches. I know it would be kind of hard to scale with the exact calculations and stuff, but could you please do it for those of us without pepakura designer?


we wont make a bigger one, sorry. i know its a bummer, just think that it is still a baby shaymin :P

Anonymous said...

its sssooo cute can u make sky form?

Anonymous said...

Im not really skilled at glue, but could I still tape shaymin together? :)

Brandon said...

You could certainly try it, yeah. It might look a little different though, since tape tends to stand out.

Blu Jai said...

OMG Love it!!!!

I'm soooooo sorry to bug you guys, but could you possibly make the sky form for him? Please?