01 November 2010


338 / SOLROCK - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Solrock
Type: Rock / Psychic
Species: Meteorite Pokémon
Height: 1.2 m (3′11″)
Weight: 154.0 kg (339.5 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Solrock appears to be an emotionless Pokémon, and instead seems to be affected more by solar energy. It simply floats to transport itself and will attack if necessary. However, it is still capable of reading the minds of others. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.

Height: 15.4 cm/6.1 in
Width: 12.8 cm/ 5.0 in
Depth: 7.3 cm/2.9 in
Pages: 2
Pieces: 56
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Skeleman
NOTES: Build the sphere first, and continue on by attaching the spikes to the sphere. There is a small diagram that indicates which spike goes where, so that the faces match up when gluing.

Download: A4 / Letter


thirteenfury said...

I hate how hard it is to catch one of these guys. It's about as hard as the Generation III and IV legendaries!

Anonymous said...

Oh My God. I can't belive. I sent an e-mail for you guys to make a solrock model, and now, here it is *-* Thank you very much. I'm gonna try making it right now.

Anonymous said...

more like a shuriken, but i like it :]

A. Sun said...

Awesome, but need a stand! Any suggestions?