243 / RAIKOU - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Raikou
Type: Electric
Species: Thunder Pokémon
Height: 1.9 m (6′03″)
Weight: 178.0 kg (392.4 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: It is, along with Entei and Suicune, one of the legendary beasts created by Ho-Oh after the burning of the Brass Tower. Of the three legendary beasts, Raikou is said to represent the lightning strike which ignited the burning Brass Tower. It is not known to evolve into or from any other Pokémon.
Height: 18.5 cm/7.3 in
Width: 13.1 cm/ 5.2 in
Depth: 35.7 cm/14.1 in
Pages: 7
Pieces: 76
Level: Medium/Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Brandon
NOTES: Build from head to back, closing at the bottom of the feet. Be sure to add the 'thunderclouds' before advancing too far, as you'll need internal pressure for them to set right. When making the tail, you have the option to build it either 2D or 3D. Both ends just glue onto the main piece.
Download: A4 / Letter

Now post the 3rd gen legendaries!!!!!!!!
holy shit! I have been waiting for a while, well done!
despues de tanto tiempo de espera
1st gen Trio Legend would be great actually :D
Thank you so much. I wanted it since I saw the image on deviantart.
It simply looks amazing. Congrats !
This is awesome!
When you release Rayquaza, Groudon and Kyogre i will love you forever!
awesome! are u guys gonna be making new models after raicu? cause i dont see any in the list :(
Of course. They're just a surprise.
do u guys use a glue gun to stick this together? cause it doesnt look like u used a glue stick ?
@Leaf: Glue gun? Glue stick?!
No, we use plain white glue... Elmer's or Aleene's.
I love this model so much! I just finished mine last night. He looks even cooler than I thought he would! And he was surprisingly easy, other than getting the clouds attached. lol I had to use a haidryer to help with that. XD
I've just noticed that in the background of the ledgendary dogs picture thay are on a bed, they still loook awesome...... Oh, yeah whoever sent the second comment from the top uses really nice language.
Ha, yup. I didn't have a posterboard at the time, and that was the next best thing.
Many thanks for your amazing work on theses Pokémon! They are beautiful!
i can't open the files even though i downloaded the files how can i downloded
Frequently Asked Questions
Do we have to join some part.Well your awsome man.really...
Thanks Brandon but I still need help. Files are being saved as RARs and somehow it keeps trying to open in PDF...And do you have to buy WinRar to make these?
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