373 / SALAMENCE - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Salamence
Type: Dragon/Flying
Species: Dragon Pokémon
Height: 1.5 m (4′11″)
Weight: 102.6 kg (226.2 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Salamence is an extremely vicious Pokémon. It is also arrogant about its victories by spouting intense flames into the air. This behavior may be explained due to the fact that it faced many hardships to get its wings to grow, and therefore, it is very proud of its achievement.
Height: 17.0 cm/ 6.7 in
Width: 25.7 cm/ 10.1 in
Depth: 38.2 cm/ 15.0 in
Pages: 10
Pieces: 58
Level: Medium/Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Skeleman
NOTES: Build from head back, closing at the tail or the bottom of the rear feet. It is suggested to reinforce the wings so the joint is stronger.
Download: A4 / Letter

U guys are sooooo awesome!!!! I can't believe it!! It's Salamence!!! Masterpiece! U guys r the gods of papercraft. Thank u for creating Salamence, I've been waiting for this. You have just made someone very very happy! =] u guys are awesome =] <3
stuipid .rar files!!! >:( i cant open them and thi si my FAVORITE POKEMON!!! i like podragon 'cuase he does his in zip files ;)
She, hers* Have you tried using Winrar, or reading more about the filetypes in the FAQ? Rars won't open with just Winzip.
You people are AWESOME!!!
You people are AWESOME!!!
Puedes cambiar la extensión del archivo a zip
Para el que dijo que no los podía abrir
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