006 / CHARIZARD - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Charizard
Type: Fire/Flying
Species: Flame Pokémon
Height: 1.7 m (5′07″)
Weight: 90.5 kg (199.5 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Unlike its pre-evolutions, it has wings that can allow it to fly. Charizard is a very dragon-like Pokémon. Like its previous forms, it has a long tail with a fire burning at the tip. It has extremely sharp claws, a long neck, and two horns protruding from the back of its head. The front of its two wings is blue, while the back is orange like the most of its body. Although hardly visible, Charizard's iris is light blue in color. Its belly and the undersides of its feet are cream-colored.
Height: 22.3 cm/ 8.8 in
Width: 27.3 cm / 10.7 in
Depth: 23.6 cm / 9.3 in
Pages: 9
Pieces: 68
Level: Medium-Hard
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Brandon
NOTES: Just follow the numbers, and it's pretty simple. Take special care with the wings and claws, they're the most difficult.
Download includes 2 versions: 1 regular version (Non Shiny) and 1 Mirrored version (Can be seen in Shiny, but is not purely shiny). Mirrored aspect not reflected in 3D representation of the pdo.
Also included is an additional texture pack including all of the varients from Brawl. (Requires PDO to use)
Download: A4 / Letter | Mirrored A4 / Mirrored Letter - Brawl Texture Pack

Charizard v1
are u seriousss??? -Olber
Weird!!! I just bought this game yesterday!!!! :O
Oh, by the way, I mean super smash bros brawl... :P
now you should make the Super Smash Bros. Pikachu!!!!! :D
Thanks for making this masterpiece! Since I saw this version of Charizard at your profile at deviantart, I hoped, you will upload this. Thank you. ^_^
Omg, you released this guy!! <3
Cool... Love Charizard soooo much... esp this one..
Thanks Brandon
WOW!!! seven in one day!!!! SEVEN!!!! :O
This is the model you posted on dA, but said you wouldn't be posting it on PaperPokes. I'm glad that it's finally getting released :-D !!
Haha, I knew it!
I guessed them right ^^
I so need a College break. Bestest model evar! Though I really like Sc...!!
It can still be a prank... haven't downloaded it yet.
So are these new and super improved models going to replace the ones on the pokemon list or no?
It's amazing! =O
Charizard is absolutely perfect!!!
I love it so much!
Thank a lot.
I think I just peed myself from happiness...=D
Thank you so much for releasing this model! Looking forward to making it =]
Great!! you shared it!! Awesome Work, Brandon, your models are just unbelievable!! Thanks man!!
@Anon (way up) : preferably, both should be listed on the illustrated list, either by putting both on it or merging both posts together, we'll see...
Is the mirrored one just pointing the other way? I'm kinda confused :S
Yup, the mirrored one is just... mirrored. It's facing the other way, that's the only difference. If you look at the shiny and the normal pics, you can see it (the shiny is mirrored).
OMG!! This is just perfect! Unbelievable! Love it! Really thanks for sharing your models!
Is this available to download on a mac? When I click on the link all I get is a page full of code :s. Really want to make this for someone as a christmas present!
I have a problem with the first wing... When I glue (I'm swiss so please forgive my mistakes, I hope I'll be clear) the parts 1 and 2 together there's a fold between the green part and the orange one and I don't know how to do it properly. It seems the green part (on the top of the part 2) is too big for the white part where I put the glue, the one that is attached to both the orange part and the green one (there's certainly a name fort that part but I can't remember it)...
Can you help me please?
This is so darn cool! Smash bros 4 is midnight release tonight! I can't wait to play it, it has Lucario Greninja Pikachu and Charizard, and then the DLC is Mewtwo! Yah! I like charizard although this model is pretty hard to work out.
Oiii não consigo abrir o projeto no pepakura em pode me ajudar????
Piece number 13 in the unlined regular version does not match the pdo file. Not sure how to continue.
You could scale the model to make it 180 high? could you? for printing on sheets A0 format. if you can send it to my e daramirez79
who is seeing this in 2016
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