037 / VULPIX - Chibi - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Vulpix
Type: Fire
Species: Fox Pokémon
Height: 0.6 m (2′00″)
Weight: 9.9 kg (21.8 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Vulpix is a small, fox-like Pokémon that has a red-brown pelt, brown, pupil-less eyes and six orange tails. Vulpix also has what looks like orange bangs across its forehead as well as locks. At birth, Vulpix has only one white tail, which apparently splits and grows more beautiful and warmer as it grows older. Vulpix has a cream underbelly, and brown feet with lighter-brown colored paw pads. Vulpix also has a flame inside its body that never goes out.
Height: 6.9 cm/ 2.7 in
Width: 7.2 cm/ 2.8 in
Depth: 8.3 cm/ 3.3 in
Pages: 1
Pieces: 11
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Brandon
NOTES: Follow the numbers, building the head, tail, and body separately. Attach the head to the body, then tail to the body.
Download: A4 / Letter
Type: Fire
Species: Fox Pokémon
Height: 0.6 m (2′00″)
Weight: 9.9 kg (21.8 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Vulpix is a small, fox-like Pokémon that has a red-brown pelt, brown, pupil-less eyes and six orange tails. Vulpix also has what looks like orange bangs across its forehead as well as locks. At birth, Vulpix has only one white tail, which apparently splits and grows more beautiful and warmer as it grows older. Vulpix has a cream underbelly, and brown feet with lighter-brown colored paw pads. Vulpix also has a flame inside its body that never goes out.
Height: 6.9 cm/ 2.7 in
Width: 7.2 cm/ 2.8 in
Depth: 8.3 cm/ 3.3 in
Pages: 1
Pieces: 11
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Brandon
NOTES: Follow the numbers, building the head, tail, and body separately. Attach the head to the body, then tail to the body.
Download: A4 / Letter
OMGosh it looks so cute!!
cool! so are you guys going to be releasing new models every monday and friday?
*Runs round house while screaming*
Mini Vulpix!
I <3 it!
i love the chibis
do more of them!
Nope, we're only doing the 2 a week posts because it's October (Halloween month).
oh god......i saw it and i imeadiatly fell in love with it
Score more cute points
So cute! Love it!♥♡♥
U love the chibis =D
And Also, to Paperpokes team, the thing i would really really like to see is the badges/badge cases, keep up the good work!
omg CUTENESS OVERLOAD!!!!!!!!!1111111
I would love to make this, but it wont let me download it, when i try to load it onto acrobat reader it says 'Acrobat could not open 'VulpixC A4.rar' because it is either not a supported file type or because the file has been corrupted (for examplem it was sent as an email attachment and wasn't corretly decoded.)
Is there a way round this, so i can still make the model? Because this has happened before with other models, such as zubat.
You're trying to open the Rar archive with Acrobat reader. You need to open the archive with winrar to extract the Pdf files that you'll be able to open with Acrobat Reader...
Read the FAQ up there for more info.
thanks alot il try now
i tryed it, i dont really want to pay for something ill only use once, is there a way i can get the vulpix without paying money for a software???
None of the programs we suggest in the FAQ cost any money. So if you've read the FAQ, then yes, there is a way to use the files without paying for anything.
OH MY GOD! ITS SO CUTE! Vulpix is my absolute FAVORITE pokemon! Love this soooo much!
Hey, the scientific name for fox is Vulpes vulpes.
Related to Vulpix?
By a loving paperfolder.
awww is cute
please make chibi ninetales i want one
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