24 December 2012

CACTURNE (Merry Christmas! 2/2)

332 / CACTURNE - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Cacturne
Type: Grass/Dark
Species: Scarecrow Pokémon
Height: 1.3 m (4′03″)
Weight: 77.4 kg (170.6 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Cacturne has numerous poisonous abilities. In addition, Cacturne's body retains moisture throughout the hot daylight hours. After spending thousands of years in harsh deserts, its blood transformed into the same substances as sand.

Height: 20.5 cm/ 8.1 in
Width: 17.6 cm/ 6.9 in
Depth: 10.0 cm/ 3.9 in
Pages: 4
Pieces: 45
Level: Medium
Designer: Brandon
Photo: LuIS
NOTES: Build the model starting from the hat. Be carefull when closing it, it's the only tricky part.
Glue it to the face right after the 1st segment of the face is built. Work your way down, attaching the spikes as you go. Close at the legs.

Download: A4 / Letter


Unknown said...

I JUST caught this pokemon in my game yesterday as an out break pokemon xDD!
I can't wait to "tackle" this paper craft~!

Jeans Pers said...

these is great..can wait to make this..ive been enjoying making your paperpokes...thanks for everything..more pokecrafts to come..

Anonymous said...

Hey, when I download a craft (rar or zip) it says "the file isn't invalid" or "the rar file wasn't unpacked correctly".
Please help me! I have all the models on my dad's computer but I can't wait until Feb to go there again!
Please help!

loving paperfolderrrr

Brandon said...

Are you sure it's completing the download and opening in the correct program? It sounds like your internet connection may be cutting out before it finishes, and the file isn't complete.

Check to be sure the files are 5.7 MB for Letter or 4.6 MB for A4- if not, you'll need to redownload it.

I've downloaded both of the packs personally and they work on my end.

Anonymous said...

Thankyou, just a small internet problem
I downloaded it on another computer and transferred it to my computer and it's fine now!

Newest model:Mini Glaceon and Espeon
theyre so tiny and CUTE!