378 / REGICE - Pokémon Papercraft
Name: Regice
Type: Ice
Species: Iceberg Pokémon
Height: 1.8 m (5′11″)
Weight: 175.0 kg (385.8 lbs.)
Interesting Facts: Regice cloaks itself in air that is -328 degrees Fahrenheit. It can survive if submerged in molten lava. Due to its extremely frigid body, anyone who approaches it can freeze. It is capable of surviving even extremely hot temperatures. Regice has the unexplainable ability to wield electrical attacks like Zap Cannon.
Height: 18.3 cm/ 7.2 in
Width: 26.8 cm/ 10.6 in
Depth: 12.7 cm/ 5.0 in
Pages: 6
Pieces: 32
Level: Easy
Designer: Brandon
Photo: Skeleman
NOTES: Regice is the easiest of the Regis but the difficulty of it goes up more than most models with a lineless version. This is because unlike a lot of models it has to be scored and folded or it will not look right. But with a lineless version is becomes hard to know where the score and fold is supposed to be in some places.
Download: A4 / Letter
One more Papercraft on the road to completion! You guys are cranking these out, and at least 2 out of the four a month I get pumped to see on here! The regis are no acception! I've been waiting for these! I won't be able to do them yet... but during the summer I plan to get a LOT of these done! Keep cranking these out, you're almost halfway there! Also, can you tell me what you guys are planning to do after you finish all the pokemon? I realize with the release of new gens you will never be completely "done" but once you reach a point where there are no more pokemon left to do, what then?
Well, it never really was our goal to make all the Pokémon, we're just going on since we still enjoy makig those but we'll probably stop whenever it won't be fun anymore.
On a good note tho ( :P ), if we ever make all the Pokémon, we'll just remake some of the old ones or make new ones with different poses.
And there's still the characters that we need to do and random objects.
Well I send you my appreciation for working on this for so long and no matter how far you go the papercrafts will always bring never-ending fun for whoever else stumbles across the site! (and just a quick idea if you do plan on making more of the same, how about a SSBB pikachu with inter-changable head-gear.)
where do I close it?
You technically have to close several parts; the body, the arms, the waist, and the base if you decide to use it. The arms close with parts 13 and 18 for the right and left arms respectively, the body with 11, the waist with one of the flat sides (26 and 28 are self enclosed parts) and the base with the flat side of 32.
is there a way for the model to stand without having to use the base?
With the way the feet are pointed, I think your only options would be the base, using a string to keep it upright, or flattening the bottom of the feet enough to make it stand like that. I dunno how much it would take with the feet flattening part, but if you really don't want to use the base it's worth a try. Could always carefully remove the cone of the feet and attach a new one in the event it doesn't work too well.
Would using the next highest gsm/lb available on the legs and bottom piece of the torso help it balance? Since it's all angular folds on Regice, it wouldn't be too much of a problem if the paper for those parts was stiffer and heavier. Or maybe build them with 120gsm anyway and then add cut-out pieces of cardboard on the inside faces.
It would help lower the center of mass, but I doubt it would balance easily still. It's just how the points of the legs are that make everything a bit difficult.
It would definitely help, but I think you'd still have to find some additional way to keep it propped up.
It won't download on my computer :'(
It just goes to a webpage with a bunch of code
Try right clicking, and using the option "Save link as..." and you should be able to save it as a rar that can be opened with Winrar.
it worked thanks :)
hi paperpokes,quick question-at the bottom of the page,on the recomendations, it says "tacky glue".in england,is that just pva glue???if not,what kind of glue is it...thanks!
lol i kinda messed this up i made the arms at the eye level because i didnt look at the pic much....
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