Once upon a time, there were four friends, known to the global community of papercrafters as: Pixel-Kakashi, PMF, Paperbuff and Skelekitty. One day, after many fun chats on a well known instant messenger application, they were inspired to create a blog together, for the sake of their mutual passion - Papercraft Pokémon.
After they managed to convinced some friends: POdragon, Brandon and Lyrin to join them in their blogging quest, they soon became the proud creators and authors of the newest papercraft website on the block called Paperpokés.
The intention of this blog is not for fame or fortune, but solely for the pure enjoyment of making Pokémon papercraft models. This is a tribute to the wonders and joy that live in the world of Pokémon. And if there was ever a wish for, or a desire to be the owner of a Pokémon, then this is the place to come.
With a little help from a ruler, a stylus, a pair of scissors, a craft-blade, and some glue a complete Trainer/Master collection of Pokémon can be created in a matter of days.
Gotta Catch 'Em All
hola gracias por aportar cosas tan bonitas he interesantes desde que encontre esta aficion no he podido dejar de hacerlas y la verdad me parece muy entretenido todos los pokes estan super
bueno saludos desde peru (cusco)
you guys rule :D
keep up the good work :]
you guys should design a really big meowth craft
You guys make it to hard!!!!! I even find the easy ones hard!!! I'm going to cry now.....
I don't find the models extremely hard at all... I've never done a papercraft before, but I decided to be brave and try to go for a "medium" leveled papercraft-lapras <3 It doesn't look PERFECT but it's still fun to have it take shape. I'm sure after practicing with more of your projects they'll start to look more and more like the example pictures *hehehe*
And btw this site is absolutely amazing, your creations are -so- beautiful! They don't even look like they're made out of paper :]
I made a Jarachi papercraft and it looked awesome!!!Can you try to make a Girtina papercraft because I'd love to make one.You rock!
Thank You!;)
You should make Darkrai,ho-oh,cresselia,mesprit,uxie,azelf,
rayquaza,and an empoleon.I really like those pokemon.The're cool!Especailly ho-oh!Papercrafts arent hard at all.The're pretty easy.
Thank You!!!
why dont you make a giant sudowoodo? it is my most favourite pokemon of all. i have looked on hundreds of other websites for it but cannot find it anywhere. it would mean an awful lot to me if you could make a giant sudowoodo papercraft. thanks a load for your time to read this.
You should really make a floatzel papercraft. It's my favorite pokemon and i'd love to have a 3-D one.
ya i would just suggest more ledgendaries maybe like deoxys or ho oh
son de lo mejor
Is anyone aware of any exisitng papercraft models of "Giratina" ?
If possible, I want Glaceon (it exists on many webs but their links are broken),Cresselia,Finneon,and Froslass papercrafts.
Me encantan los modelos hasta el momento solo he hecho 3,por falta de tiempo no puedo avanzar mas espero pronto seguir haciendo mas.
hola a todos...pues es la primera vez que veo algo como esto...bueno de hecho ya me lo habia imaginado, digo...es como hacer personajes de peliculas...pero en pokemons woooaaoooow!!!...
lo que les podria pedir ahora es algo
es algo muy importante para mi :D
espero que hagan a rayquaza...es mi pokemon favorito...seria genial que lo hicieran de:
Height: 25 a 30 cm
Width: dependiendo la forma de rayquaza
Depth: 20 a 30 cm
espero que lo hagan...me harian muy feliz :DD
y si no pueden ps nimodo que hacer...XD...creo que lo tendre que hacer yo
apenas estoy empezando a usar unos programas para crearlo...si lo llego a hacer se los mandare para que lo pongan :D
por lo pronto me voy a practicar mas con el metasequoia y el pepakura designer XD
You guys are awesome! <3
I made a Shuckle and it looks great. The design is so high-quality and fits perfectly.
Since everyone is putting in requests, I would just like to say that I would totally make the eeveelutions. Espeon is my favorite and I would really appreciate it if you designed the papercraft model for it. Thanks!
thank you very much for the paper crafts!!!
Goodluck and please do more!!! I love all of them!!!
Oh,yeah! Your papercrafts have the highest-quality designs.I suggest you make more legendaries and eeveelutions!P.S.I'm also waiting for the Frosslass papercraft. I've seen it on your DeviantArt.
hey what kinda software do u use to make these?
kind of a mix of Blender, Metasequoia and 3ds Max for the 3D modeling/editing. Photoshop and Gimp for textures.
the templates are made with Pepakura Designer.
I'm not gonna explain how to rip models from games tho, but about 2/3 are rips, the rest are completely modeled by us.
I'm sorry, my English is very bad.
My new hobby is papercrafting, it's great.
When you finish first gen.? I'll build all pokemons^ ^.
one Pokémon per day!
Amazing idea!
I really love it! =P
Wow your site is very cool!!
BTW Could you please make a salamence model? I think it will be very successful!!!
I'm sorry, but my english is bad.
But i must write this:
Your models is so fascinate!
I ask for somethink:
in my opinion, some models could be in dynamic position- i think it could be very good decision.
And I ask for models: Marshtomp,Swampert(on four legs position), Gliscor,Bastiodon, Buizel and Honchkrow because there are specific pokemon- particularly
Marshtomp, Swampert, Gliscor and Bastiodon.
This Pokemon shows the originality
and metaphors of conceptions the Pocket Monsters.
Your models are good job, very good projection!
I made 10 your models and I am satisfied!
Your site have only one year?
I am never think about this...
Seventh December! Remember this date!
Hi friends !Can u teach me how to create a model of person. Like the staff of Pokemon Papercraft. Plz help me.. thanks
The characters models were made with an application on Facebook called Buddypoke. ( http://www.buddypoke.com/ )
i will like you to made a kabutops model and a rhyhorn because they are my favorites, also please make a groudon model and a gayarados
wow! can we like have ourselves buddypokecrafted? ^^ 180goldcoins is too much... as I see you have access to this on facebook... can we add you guys and have our buddypokes printed? please? I want to do this for my girl, I want to give her a pair of paperbuddypokes of ourselves as a gift... :( and mudkip was nice :) btw
Thank you for all of your wonderful creations. They make me very happy. Every time I visit your site there is a new special gift there to download and make. I don't want to as for anything since that would bee greedy, you already give so much joy away. Thank you, muchos gracias, agrigato goizaimas.
I miss Paper Buff very much, she was a gifted artist, and must have been a very nice person to know.
Could you publish the Paperbuff paper-craft as a PDF or JPG that any one can open and with a short
statment printed on it like :"Paperbuff, she made happy art and people happy. 2009.".
Then we could share the files, and leave paper Paperbuffs at the special happy places we go to for
others to find and share.
Maybe in the future a Paperbuff might turn up where her family or the friends who really knew her
would see it, and they would be pleased to be reminded of her and see her crafts were not forgotten.
I think that would be a little much and would break the integrity of the models packs.
People can already find the pdfs of all models in the packs with the pdos and textures which can be very useful and, by posting only the pdfs, people would be missing those.
Also, the quality of jpg templates is often lower than that on pdfs and pdfs can be both opened by pc and mac.
Can I Request something? If you accept I would like to see a Charizard Model. I saw one in deviantart and decided to request for one please accept thanks! :) p.s it's ok if you deny it it's when you have enough time :)
i love it but there are no instrutions so sadly i can not make them myself.
@ Vincent
Please refer to the FAQ page (above)
How hard is it to make a nidorina? Take a nidorino, and remove the horn and spikes. Then make nidorina's spikes and tail. If one leg is two inches long then the tail is two inches long and each spike should be an inch. Lastly just edit the color. For nidoran m add two more rows of spikes to a nidorino and give it beaver teeth instead of fangs on the sides of its mouth. its ears are also a little bigger.
@ Nidofan
How hard is it to be polite, well-mannered and courteous when asking for something?
Hi, i am a Pokemon trainer... i love your art... gives a sense of having you pokemon with you... i have currently re-conquered the Johto region... and looking forward to the new regions... They call me Ninja... My current roster is Miko a Luxray(shiny), Arcanine, Pidgeot(shiny), Vaporeon, and Leafeon... i have obtain Arcanine and Vaporeon from your site and wish to obtain the rest of my team... i would be very thankfull... and well i am thankfull for what you guys do..
hey, just wanted to say this is so freaking cool! i never made one but im excited to make some or alot! ill be at wal-mart alot getting ink, lol. but yeah totally cool, your guys are awesome! thanks :]
Hi guys it's me!!!
Firts of all I like to say Congrats!!
you guys are just awesome at this.
I have made like 7 diferrent ones in the last week. Hardest one being Regigigas and easiest Porygon. You guys rae just awesome keep up the good work!!!
P.S. I feel the same pain that you guys did when you lost Paperbuff. I know what it's like to lose a friend.
could you possibly make an anorith, armaldo, shieldon or bastiodon model because I love fossils and these are some of my favourites.
p.s. I love your zangoose model
I really love your crafts they're so amazing I can't wait to make a Chirami papercraft
Pic of Chirami here http://www.serebii.net/blackwhite/pokemon.shtml
You guys are awesome :) I made a breloom already. It would be nce if you made a Ludicolo sometime soon, that's my fav pokemon.
My gawsh you guys are awesome. I have gotten so many people I know hooked on pokemon papercraft!
You guys are awesome! The crafts are challenging but not to the point where i pull my hair out. I like that!
I thought i saw a couple weeks ago that a Suicune craft was coming soon. Is there any way you guys can get me the date for when it might be coming. If not thats okay, I like surprises!
Finally id like to thank you guys for all the effort you put in to this. You do this not only for yourselves but for all of us to have fun too. You rock!
I can't believe you've had this website up for only a year, and already have a huge archive! You guys are incredible! Thank you so much for the hard work you put in to make these beautiful models (though I still suck and mine look like a pile of crap). Do you have any tips for closing models, because I often destroy them in the process of closing them, and also for dealing with the little tiny pieces? Thanks so much for your efforts! (Also, since everyone else is making requests, I would like a mawile model, if possible to keep in mind) Thanks!
gyaah~ omg this site it so cute! please make mesprit uxie azelf one~ *nyoroo~n*
omg i can't help notice the picture are papercrafts from buddy poke >w< oh mai how did you get 180 coins.. xD
im a pokemon die hard fan.i love ur art,,,can i request a giratina origin forme please.
You guys are great! :D I'm new to this, but so far I've made Seedot, Chillarmy, Celebi and Gulpin. I'd really appreciate it if you made Snorunt.
can you make a nice big Dialga? I've seen one on another site but its a really small one which is really annoying. judging by the quality of the rest of the models on this site it would be really good :) and the rest of the Kanto starter evolutions would be really nice, mainly for bragging rights, but they still look the most awesome of all the starters
wow it's over 2 years old and is is only 28% done? i think it will take about 3-4 years to get all of THIS done....not including if they make more ^^; but GREAT JOB AND I CANT WAIT FOR NINETAILS
I do have some trouble closing the end bits, which gets really annoying. But i've only done houndour so far, and I'm almost done with espeon. I'm glad I found pepakura viewer though, otherwise there'd be no way i'd finsh this xD. Keep up the good work, and finish making more pokemon. Maybe i'll attempt flygon next...
I think it would be cool to make bigger versions on each pokemon, like 2 feet rather than 6 inches. what you guys do is sooooo awesome, and i'm going to try and see if i can mathematically porportion them bigger, because im making pokemon pinatas ^^
I love the work ur doing, keep it up
I cant wait for charizard though
May i put in a request on him ^_^
These are awesome and are really fun building. I'm trying to build my team and so far I have everyone besides Camerupt and Porygon-Z, Can I request these two??
u shuld really make mesprit, aself and uxie, and i mean it. this website is awesome and u guys too.
i absolutely love your work. i found it a week or so ago while i was surfing on the net trying to help my friend with one of her projects and i found this sight. i love it. ive been making stuff since. keep it up. i wish i could do stuff like this its brilliant. even my aunt luvs it. we've had many laughs
guau saludos a todos no puedo esperar para que salga el papercraft de mismagius *(suspiro)*
you guys are amazing, not only because of the fact that you make these, but that you have the patince to keep doing it =) keep it up! <3
paper models are awsome!!! i have almost all the ones on the site, the only problem is the crazy hard ones like reshiram.......
I love paper pokes but the only problem is i want about 31 pokemons and my brother wants 16 31+16=47!!! bumer plus we both want a poke dex and the poke ball box 51 item!!! sooo whats your recamendation PMF?
hi pokemon craft fans, i am one aswell and have 2 questions. 1. (for the makers) can you please make shellder he is my favourite and always has been. 2. what program do u use to actually print it off/see it, i cant find out which one so therefore cant make any =(
Thanks Soupninjaa
Well, I'll answer your 2nd (and technically only) question :P If you check out the FAQ, there are links that go to tamasoft's site, which is where you can get Pepakura Viewer to open the pdos, as well as Winrar for rars/zips, and Adobe for pdfs. Everything is there.
hey, just wanted to say these are amazing :D <3
am making heaps (like an army) of pokemon and was wondering if there is a link to making the people because i really want to make Brock :)if anyone knows what the link is can u plzzzz post it :D :D :D
thankssss xxx
ps: keep up the good work!!!!!!
Muchas gracias por compartir su trabajo con simples mortales como nosotros.
Yo comence hace muy poco en esto, asi que los modelos no me salen a la perfeccion, aun no entiendo como cerrar los papercraft >.<
Pero en fin, muchisimas gracias! buen trabajo!
Un saludo enorme desde Chile, America Del Sur.
instead of putting "gotta catch them all" at the end why dont u put "gotta build them all!" that sounds better :)
hello, a question
why I can not open models Pepakura Designer? because I would like to take the model to the original size of the pokemon but I can not resize the template
hi guys, i think u rock!
did you guys make buddypoke too??? just wondering cuz you have the paper buddypokes....
@Eva : no, we didn't make buddypoke :P we only used their program to make the characters for the team pic.
the -pokes names are just a coincidence.
I haven't made any of these PaperPokes, but I can hardly wait to start! I saved a ton and am planning on not even starting with my fav Pokemon (Espeon FTW!!!!). Instead, I am going to make a solar mobile with a Solrock, Lunatone, Staryu, Starmie, Cleffa, Clefairy, Clefable, Jirachi, and even Deoxys! I wish I could add Cresselia and Palkia. Could you find a way to make one and upload it here? Also, I think I covered all of the 'space' Pokemon, but if there are any others, I'd love to know! Thank you for all your hard work!!! ~Espeon Fanatic
I want u guys in papercraft... It's true. :) PLZ :)
wow i think it would be awesome if you guys made a meowth head balloon like team rocket had. :P
you rule
Those papercrafts are amazing. You guys should make a Blastoise and a Sceptile papercraft to complete the Kanto and Hoenn final starterr sets
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that my wife stumbled onto this site and I have fallen in love with this artform. My 8 year old daughter is really into Pokemon and this is a great way of connecting with her on a different level. We are starting our third one today! Again Thanks for the WONDERFUL WORK! Keep it up.
PS is there a model of Team Rocket?
My Daughter wants a James and I want a Jessie.
nice to hear comments like that :)
sadly, we dont have the team rocket characters yet.
Please create the clefary of papercraft!
I want to finish my collection of long evolution of Cleffa!
Is there anyone that wants a challenge?
Make a paperpoke that changes to a cube, and can be transformed back to a pokemon... I am wondering if it is possible.
if you make it possible.. you are AMAZING!
I have no room for all!
You are amazing! I'm gonna catch (make) them all!
I wonder if there would be any way to make these using tape rather than glue. I've never had much luck getting any glue other than crazy glue to hold things together. Perhaps I just haven't found the right kind?
What kind of paper are you using, exactly? On non-glossy paper, tacky glue should work just fine. But if you're using glossy photo paper, that would be why it's not working.
I've seen it done with tape before, but to hold it together the tape had to be on the outside... It kind of diminishes the appearance, but is possible.
i have made all pokemon, all gens too. these are easy. life sized are better. i make life sized. thanks for making easier ones! im going to make all these as well as other stuff. and by the way thanks for making this website! it tells me there are more pokemon fans! oh by the way making typhlosion is real fun! when he comes out ill make your version of him! hes my fav. by the way im sorry to hear about paperbuff.i know what its like.
Now I can finally materialize my Lvl 100 Dustox :D
Might there be a way to make them waterproof? Thanks!! Love them so much
We haven't tried to make them waterproof, but I have thought of a few ways you could try:
Fixatives (There are art fixatives that make things more'absolute')
Hairspray (Makes things more durable/possibly waterproof)
High Gloss paper
And just general experimenting. Keep in mind we haven't personally tested any of these, so maybe try and build a really simple test piece and test some stuff out on it. Once that's successful, you know it'll work on the real thing :p
To Skele-kitty,
will you made me a Meloia papercraft.
Thanks for this site guys, its really just a heaven for pokemon papercrafting
Hey guys ! Thanks a lot for this website ! I'm french and I did some papercrafts from here, they are awesome ! I hope you'll continue like this, I enjoy everytime I see a new model !
You're awesome, grat job! please, continue in this way! :D
Fun and easy idea for those that find the models difficult... the simplicity that is MissingNo! I would love to see it's original Red/Green form!
THIS S IS SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!ps can you make giratina origin form non chibi , dialga and palkia cos the other website ones all suck
When is the next mode, coming out
How do you print Paperpokes on a mac?
BTW Skelekitty ROCKS!
what is a proper working program to acually open files?
You guys are amazing. My son's birthday party will make him realy happy, because of your job. The world needs more people like you.
hello,where can i find tutorials.is there any link
The comments and notes on the individual Pokemon pages along with the PDOs included with the packs are the best handy tutorial. FAQ has more info if needed as well:
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